My doctor against me having weight loss surgery
Good! Let me know how it goes for you. And let me know if you have any questions. I'm a month post-op and WOW! My life has transformed.
Yes, several years ago my PCP warned me that she had seen so many people go through surgery to just gain the weight back and be in worse health. Other than that she was a great dr and I loved her. I am glad though that I didn't listen to her and kept pursuing what I knew I needed to do. I ended up with a new dr because I moved away from where she was and my new dr was supportive and helped me get approved. I have kept off over 200 pounds for years now and have not had a single regret from doing the surgery.

Had VSG on 9/28/15
Lost 161 lbs since surgery, LOST 221 lbs overall so far!!
PCPs are notoriously undereducated about body weight, obesity, geneitcs and the success rate of these surgeries. It makes me want to scream. Over the course of my most dramatic weight gains in the last ten years prior to sleeve surgery on Mar 1, I had doctors tell me to try weigh****chers, to "get my act together," to make the difficult changes. It is simply not based in truth, it'a based in an old trope that says you lack willpower. There's a great book by Dr. Matthew Weiner (who also has excellent YouTube videos) that describes perfectly the reasons we are overweight, it's called, "How Weight Loss Surgery Really Works." I highly recommend it. Your doc is wrong, wrong, wrong, do NOT continue to see him. Get support from a medical professional who is versed in the truth about weight gain, who understands obesity is a disease and has your interests at heart. 80 pounds is a lot to lose (my numbers are similar) but I'm 3 weeks post-op and I'm down 25! It works and you SHOULD be excited about it!
I'd be curious what your surgeon thinks about the importance of having a PCP in the mix. S/he may not care that much. Insurance might, I suppose. Honestly, what're they gonna do? Not like the PCP will come to the recovery room or send you a card.