Choosing to have sleeve in Mexico, what do you do for aftercare?
When you have surgery in Mexico you buy an insurance policy to cover any complications. Because your normal health insurance won't cover you. Your family doctor should be able to give you follow up care. It is just getting labs done and making sure you have no deficiencies.
Surgical groups have aftercare programs, but they mostly closed down now. You can come here for questions and support.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
White Dove, the amount of support and information you can get here is amazing and very helpful. I know it's not medical advice, but a great deal is very helpful. I haven't even had the surgery yet and I feel like part of this group! I do hear of support groups on zoom, but actual aftercare I'll have to seek out it looks like since I can't keep going back to Mexico even if they offered it! Thanks much!
I've been reading and reading about the different surgery types and who does what. Narrowed it down to the sleeve in Mexico since I can pay for it and see some good things about a few surgeons there. For those who had surgery there, what do you do for support and aftercare?
I had surgery in Mx ten years ago. I have received all my after care from my pcp and specialists when necessary. I have never had a dr refuse to treat me cause of surgery in Mx. if I did I would never use them again.
very few drs in Mx have insurance to cover complications, that is mostly a US thing.
you won't need to be followed by a surgeon here cause too many of their follow up programs suck anyway.
you need a dr to follow you and order lAbs. You will need to become very pro active and k owledgeable about your menu and appropriate foods to eat. You will get a plan from your Mx surgeons office but you will need to make yourself knowledgeable past thAt.
surgery in MX was the single best thing I ever did for myself. My experience was so good that I returned for plastic surgery.
hollykim, you inspire reassurance by sharing your experience in Mexico, and I am thankful for that. Practices and marketing people can tell you anything, but reading this from someone who actually lived it helps a great deal. I'm narrowing things down, making notes on the menu needs and lining up a book or two to read over before I finally make the big decision. THANK YOU!