When did everyone stop feeling so tired?

on 10/20/20 10:59 am
RNY on 08/21/20

I am about 7 weeks out and still feel really sluggish. When did everyone feel like they started feeling normal?

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/20 11:18 am
RNY on 01/01/14

I felt well enough to start working ( part time) after 8 weeks but I was exhausted in the afternoons and driving home.

The limited menu ( yogurt if I remember was my go-to- and bolthouse farms protein drinks, meant I was often hungry too ! )

I didn't do myself any favors in business meetings being so spaced out and tired... I remember one longtime business associate staring at my IV scarred forearm like he just realized I was an intravenous drug addict ( had I been more aware .. I would never have let him see that ) . I literally haven't heard from him SINCE lol!!

I would say 16 weeks - that's how long it takes your insides to heal. But 8 weeks is a milestone too... you should be feeling much more energetic soon :)

White Dove
on 10/20/20 12:44 pm - Warren, OH

I am concerned that you are still sluggish. Are you getting enough water? Dehydration is common after weight loss surgery. I felt great after a few days and fully recovered after three weeks. But everyone is different and it just might be taking your body longer to heal. You might want to discuss with your medical team.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/10/20 11:12 am
RNY on 08/21/20

I am getting about 60oz of water in but it takes me ALL FREAKING DAY to get it in. I will ask about other remidies or suggestions when I have my 3 month post op appointment later this month

on 10/21/20 12:55 pm

I think it was between 8-12 weeks that I started to feel normal.

on 10/21/20 2:02 pm
VSG on 06/11/18

It was kind of a gradual process for me. A few days after surgery I felt great, like I could do anything. The problem was that I felt so good that I would try to do too much, then would go instantly from feeling energetic to needing to sit down immediately. I went back to my desk job at one month. The first day was tiring, but after that I was fine working hard at my desk. But walking too rapidly down the long corridors at work would take it out of me. In general, a week after surgery I felt better than I had in years. But I think I had problems with sudden tiredness for about four months.

You are probably very tired (no pun intended) of people telling you to drink more water. But frankly, the first thing I would try is drinking more water. You may find you do better drinking more than the recommended 2 litres a day. I find it takes me 2-1/2 litres to feel my best.

I suggest you have a chat with your medical team. They may suggest a blood test to make sure you're not low on some important nutrients. Don't panic if you're still having trouble getting in all your protein and the expected number of calories. It takes most people a few months to get to that point, and people don't develop deficiencies overnight. But there are some deficiencies that make people tired.

How is your sleep? Are you getting enough support from your partner/family/close friends?

Another possibility is depression, which doesn't always feel like sadness. Sometimes it just feels like tiredness. Given that you've had surgery recently, and we're in the midst of a pandemic, it might be something to consider.

on 11/10/20 11:10 am
RNY on 08/21/20

i feel this way too. I have spouts where I feel good and then get tired really fast. There are a lot of changes, no doubt. I go in for bloodwork in 3 weeks at my 3 month post op appointment. I have been getting as much liquids and protein in as possible. I've just now been cleared for SOME dense proteins like chicken breast so I am hoping tat once I am able to up my caloric intake, I may start feeling less drained. I have been taking my vitamins too so I am hoping my bloodwork comes back good.

My fitbit says I am getting a sleep score of 73-90... lower when I get about 6-7 hours and higher when I get more sleep.

Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it

Laura in Texas
on 10/21/20 3:03 pm

It took me 6 months to get my energy level up. For some of us it just takes longer.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 11/10/20 11:03 am
RNY on 08/21/20

Yeah, That is what I am thinking. I feel good, but just so tired!

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/20 12:01 am, edited 11/29/20 8:15 pm

Tiredness is a real problem for me. Any working ways of beating it? Maybe some supplements or vitamins? I would like to get some from Canadian Pharmacy Online soon, but I need any tips and recommendations which will really work well for me. Thank you in advance for all the replies here and good luck!

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