I just has surgery and I've gained!?

on 10/19/20 12:45 pm

I had my surgery last Friday and I have not lost weight (I've actually gained weight). Is this normal?

I had RNY-Bypass. I went in to surgery at 370 and I am at 372? I've been on liquids since I got home on Saturday!

on 10/19/20 3:14 pm - WI

Totally normal. They pump you full of fluids during surgery. I was up 12 pounds when I came home. If the scale stresses you out...stay off of it for a few weeks.

If you follow your plan you will lose weight.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

Kathleen W.
on 10/19/20 5:28 pm - Lancaster, PA

Besides being pumped with lots of fluid for the surgery, you just had major work done on your stomach and intestinal track. Your body is severely screaming "What did you do to me?" Please be patient with yourself. It's going to a little bit of time for your body and mind to come together.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


Kathleen W.
on 10/19/20 5:30 pm - Lancaster, PA

Besides being pumped with lots of fluid for the surgery, you just had major work done on your stomach and intestinal track. Your body is severely screaming "What did you do to me?" Please be patient with yourself. It's going to a little bit of time for your body and mind to come together.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


(deactivated member)
on 10/20/20 3:52 am
RNY on 01/01/14

It happened to me too - actually it happens to everyone but not everyone notices .

They had a big industrial scale in my hallway at the hospital and I was ten lbs MORE than pre surgery ( after a few days of starving lol) Boy was I pissed :)

Keep walking every hour like they tell you to in the hospital and after you come home... it'll slip right off and you'll heal faster and feel a lot better!

on 10/20/20 6:41 am, edited 10/19/20 11:41 pm

There are folks that feel as strongly about weighing daily as I feel about only weighing at Doc appointments.

Here is my contrary view:

If you stay on plan you will lose weight. Don't let a number on a scale vex you.

When we lose weight, it's never consistent or constant. Almost every post-op hits a 1 to 3 week 'stall' in the first few months and they invariably post here in a panic. They say they are doing everything right but they want to do something to 'kick start' weight loss again. Read that again: They are staying on plan but want to change it because of a number on the scale.

What you eat and do today may not be reflected on the scale for 1 - 7 days. We look at the scale and gain a pound and we incorrectly think it is something we did wrong yesterday. The scale will lie to you.

The reality is if you are doing it right, staying on plan, the scale doesn't matter.

Good luck,


on 10/20/20 10:15 am
RNY on 08/21/20

Same thing happened to me. It came off within the week... it definitely is a mind F bomb

on 10/20/20 12:10 pm

I just had a colonoscopy last week and didn't eat any solid food for almost 2 days, plus I took all the colon cleanse prep. All in I gained 2 lbs on something I would have dropped 7lbs Pre wls. Definitely a lot of fluids.

A few days later everything rebalanced.

on 11/3/20 11:04 am

Thank you all... it was just that. I saw a huge drop that week so I am on the right track.

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