How much help will I need when I come home?

on 8/7/20 3:27 pm, edited 8/7/20 4:37 pm

I am hopefully going to be nearing the end stages of my pre-op journey and I am trying to understand everything as best I can so I can prepare my S/O when I come home. How much help did you need when you came home from surgery? I already know I will not be able to drive myself, as long as I am taking pain meds, but what forms of help did you need (whether physical or digital) that helped your journey in the few months post surgery?

on 8/7/20 6:15 pm
RNY on 02/14/18

My sister stayed one day after I came home which is when I stopped pain meds. I didn't require any help after that. Only physical restriction was lifting, I think it was 5 or 10 lbs or less (so I had to go to a smaller purse, lol)

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 8/10/20 11:03 am

Thank you! Never even gave a second thought about my purse! Mine is pretty big... lol

on 8/10/20 12:41 pm
RNY on 02/14/18

If I'm not careful, my purse will weigh more than a small toddler, lol

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


White Dove
on 8/8/20 12:13 pm - Warren, OH

I would suggest using pods for the laundry instead of lifting a heavy bottle of detergent. Don't run a heavy vacuum cleaner for the first month or so. Buy milk in small size containers. Don't move furniture around, I would recommend a robot vac if you don't already have one.

Also a chair in the shower is a good idea, just in case you get dizzy while taking a shower. It will probably never happen, but could. You should not require any help from other people, except with lifting.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 8/10/20 11:12 am

Wow... all of these things I would have NEVER given a second thought to as being too heavy! I thankfully have a seat in my shower already!

Thank you!

on 8/8/20 1:17 pm
VSG on 06/11/18

It just really depends. Some people have an easy recovery and can fend for themselves a day or two after surgery; others need a few more days to reach that point.

Despite my age at the time of surgery (58), I felt great 24 hours after surgery. I live alone, and didn't need any help. (I did have friends I could call if I needed help.) I did get tired easily, though. A full grocery shop would have been too taxing for me, but going into a store and picking up a few items was no problem. I could do just about anything; I just couldn't do it for very long! Of course you'll want to avoid lifting anything heavy (like laundry).

My main problem was that I felt so good that I would forget I had surgery recently, and try to do too much. It took about six months to get my stamina back completely.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 8/8/20 7:24 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I agree 100% - I had the same experience at 61.

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 8/10/20 11:16 am

Thank you! Hoping I can do *most things myself.

on 8/9/20 7:03 am
RNY on 06/03/15

my husband took a week off of work when I had my surgery - and it was great to have someone bring me protein shakes, etc - but I think i could have probably managed on my own. I had a really easy recovery.

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