I am now 4 days post op (Roux En Y) and burp I lot. I figured is me expelling the CO2 gas they filled me up with. They said I would pass gas in other ways but my body seems to prefer burping. I also hiccup randomly . I assume that's from my extensive hernia repair but today I passed a small amount of gas from the "southern hemisphere" but right after that I burped that sulfur smelling kind of burp. It wasn't strong but I'm hoping it won't get there. I've heard the expelled CO2 smells awful. I'm wondering if this is what's going on. Have any of you experienced this?
Congratulations on your surgery. :) I am at 10yrs out and I recall after surgery I did have a lot of burping as well so it could very well be the gas they used. Mine subsided over time but does happen from time to time now with certain foods. Hiccups are more prominent now which is an indicator I am full along with my nose running.
I would not be concerned with the smell or the fact you are passing gas since you just had surgery it just means your intestines are "waking up" after surgery which is good. If this did not happen you would be experiencing a POI which is a postoperative ileus. If you are still having issues on your first postop visit discuss it with your surgeon to be sure and have them put your mind at ease.
I experienced this as well. And quite honestly, the smells after bariatric surgery are even more potent. I will hiccup if something is too spicy or I eat too fast... but typically I sneeze or burp excessively when I am full. As the above poster stated, I would be concerned if there wasn't movement so the fact that there is means that things are "moving"
That's really good to know. I've been walking a lot today and even used my simply fit board a little to try to get things moving better. I think the gas pressure has been the most uncomfortable part of the entire process so far. I can feel it slowing moving along but I'm looking forward to getting past this so I can enjoy the journey
Here is an update. It turns out the sulfur burps are from phantom heartburn. Even6though I don't feel it. It's apparently there and the metallic taste is from the effects of ketones still lingering in my body while the fat is being broken down. Although I am drinking more than 64 ounces of water a day. It is not enough for my body. I need to drink more water in order to flush out the ketones. There is also the feeling of a lump in my throat. I've seen others mention that. It comes from the heartburn. Even the tiniest but if acid can irritate the nerve in your esophagus and it causes the feeling of a ball in your throat. I'm starting Prilosec again today.