I was jealous of my cat
My two cats have three litter boxes. They tend to use one for pee, one for poop, and one for special occasions. I've been having more trouble than usual with constipation lately, so when I saw Professor Paws go into the poop litter box, I actually got jealous!
I've sorted the problem now. I just posted this for the laughs, since it's a problem a lot of us can relate too.
My cat has two and uses one for pee and the other for poop. As soon as I clean the litter boxes and spread the litter, she goes into the poop box and pushes most of the litter into a mountain at one end of the box. All of the poop gets pushed over and buried in the mountain. I am using Slide litter which works quite well with little dust and nothing sticks to the boxes.
The current rule with cats is one for each cat and one spare.
Years ago Littermaid boxes were wonderful They kept everything cleaned up and well sealed. Then the company was sold and their boxes stopped working well. The comb part no longer reached the bottom of the box and it never really cleaned well. My cat has turned from a delicate little seven pound kitty to a big thirteen pound lady and needs lots of room. I found really large litter boxes and that is what she needs, but I have to scoop them by hand.
The best thing I have found is mats that trap the litter and then open up so you can dump it back in. I have one in front of each box and they have completely eliminated any tracking and make clean up around the box so easy.
Spending $60 for mats for the cat seemed like a lot of money, but I am so glad I bought them.
Litter box mats

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 1/22/20 8:26 am
I used to tell my Mom why couldn't I stay home from cruel school and sleep n play like our cat?
Still hav catz... tiny furry walking ( n purring ) playful teddy bears .
I have one more litter box than cats and only use crystal litter which absorbs and dries out urine . Walmart has a brand Mimi litter ? About 5 bux for a boxful and it lasts easily three four months no odor .
I still have depression/ anxiety issues post op . So many days I just lie around, read or watch tv pet the pets take care of the garden . It's like I'm scared to show up for real life . I HATE still medicating my feelings with extra food