Mentoring... How to you help others?
I have to admit, when I first started my WLS journey, I didn't know too many others out there who walked the same path as I did. Now, it's pretty common, since I have surrounded myself with like-minded people, attended support groups, etc and typically, see waves of individuals in and out of the meetings.
We are going over things for Pre-ops to be mindful of in their first few years of living their WLS lifestyle (you know, that honeymoon phase) and they can only hear some of us Vet Post-ops so many times before we start to sound like a broken record... but that broken record is key because it means at least (I feel) consistent. But, I admit my faults and would love to hear some tips for advice because I am always trying to learn!
Pros, Cons, things that helped you, people that have helped you... I'd love to bring this list to my meeting coordinator and share it along with this forum.
on 1/13/20 7:10 pm
I travel more than 50% of the time so I found it very important to listen to what everyone had to say and then determine what worked for me and the lifestyle I have.
I have found some behavioral mantras from people here (Hunger is not an emergency; would you eat a chicken breast; start again at the next opportunity --next meal, not the next day, next week, next month --next opportunity) that I have incorporated into developing the model that works for me (and I'm just under two years out so I know I will learn more as time goes on and I face new challenges).
Be open and honest with the people that have been through the same thing (wls) and be aware that most other people really aren't that interested in the nuances of your diet, your miralax, your hydration and exercise plan...but on the same token, you could how be the person everyone feels comfortable telling about the ins and outs of their latest crazy diet plan. Also, if you ask other WLS post ops for advice, be prepared for it -- whether it's what you want to hear or not. As one of my bosses once said, I'll answer any question, just be sure you're ready to hear the answer.
Also, head hunger is a real thing and having coping techniques for that are the most critical thing for me.
I also found that sizes are stupid and if you think you can track just by staying in the same size, it could be problematic -- one brand, one style, may be one size, one may be another but they'll be labled the same -- ; stretch makes a difference and so many other things. I know how I'm doing by weighing every day -- myself, my food, etc.
Finally, hydrate and move, hydrate and move -- I thought the 64 oz minimum was a lot day one, now my min is 100 oz and frequently more than that..and while exercise may or may not be a direct impact on weight loss -- it is a direct impact on mental health and an outlet that can help avoid less than positive decisions....somehow I have become one of those people that exercises because I like it, not because I have to...but it also took me a long time to find exercises that I like.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
I LOVE all of this! The part that stands out the most is focusing on the NEXT OPPORTUNITY. I too have found that there are so many things coming at different directions that it may be hard to ascertain what is good for you, may not be good for me. This is why I want it to come from our support group leaders vs "me", since they know more of the medical background for everyone in the group.
Thank you, PartlyPollyAnna
on 1/14/20 1:58 pm
I first heard it from some of our awesome people here on OH!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150