Holiday Weight Gain
Raccoons and squirrels get fatter in the winter. The days are shorter and colder and nature tells the body to add more fat. If we did not have holidays, we would still gain some winter weight, just not from decorated cookies and fudge.
Only people who were too sick to eat would not have winter gain. The season is turning into Spring. Each day there is a bit more daylight. Now the body will be more inclined to cooperate with us when we eat less and move more.
This is the ideal time to work on losing weight. Take advantage of it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
White Dove,
YEP!This is the first year out of 24 , i have not had winter weight/holiday weight gain. I was surprised to find in last days of December- a 7 lb loss!... I attribute it to the gastritis i had in October and residual effects in November.
.. Made me much more intentional about the protein.. and carbs, and things that induced the gastritis.... I also tried to keep my activity level up as much as possible most days. spent less time in sitting activities and crafting...Outside chores even on an irregular schedule..every 10-14 days.. all helped with the loss.
I am doing better. As you may have gathered from my other posts, I have made extra efforts to remain active thru the beginning of this winter. A gym is too far away- so my yard has become that for me. pushing a wheelbarrow load of dirt to move from one place to a garden bed is very good exercise... Need less weight? i reduce the load and make more trips.
I think many people loose sight of the fact this is not only a WLS, but an entire lifestyle change. These will have to be permanent changes in order to loose the weight initially and maintain it. Surgery gives us the TOOL to maintain.The commitment is up to thee individual.
I have enzyme deficiencies...some were present before my WLS..( but undocumented.) As a result , have to be diligent with taking extra enzymes for certain food groups. It is an ever changing process. Each time gastritis is an issue, it does damage that takes a while to mitigate it. New research has been out a few years that good gut health= better overall health including immunity.
I was not a heavy meat eater as a child, and moving to almost total protein has been very hard. Legumes have really given me grief.( beans, +nuts) .. Low tolerance for Brassica's,.
.Milk is almost a no-no in every form./type.I have tried even the goats milk in concentrate and powder.. the concentrate is acceptable..but just as expensive as a half gallon of lactose free. Fresh goats milk is not available for me right now.. I have not decided to get a milk goat YET.. I use a lactose free milk in very small amounts/ as a coffee creamer.
I think I have also been nestled up in my huge blanket on the couch for most of the winter, so far! So, a sedentary lifestyle is what I have led since it has been freezing in the desert! I have been so cold since surgery, but guess I can count my shivering as extra calories my body is burning? Gives new meaning to "Shake Shake Shake... Shake Shake Shake, Shake your booty... Shake your Booty"
But, not going to lie, I enjoyed 2 cookies over the holidays and they were absolutely fantastic. Christmas Eve and Christmas
I have about 5 pounds of regain but honestly, I am not complaining at all. For the first time I am happy with my weight
Good job.. because we have surgery does not mean we never touch any food.Nor does it mean we need to use it as a reward, most of the time reward eating was some form of what got us in the position of the obese to begin with.
I can eat anything-IF I am willing to pay the cost.That cost- for me, may be- an unstable blood sugar, increased hunger for a couple of days, or if not diligent to keep a tight rein, weight gain.I have found, IF i want to be craving anything just deny myself continually .
I have also been chilled. Getting up and doing some kind of exercise-, even isometrics! and drinking warm liquids helps. If this continues , and you can get checked. It can also be a symptom of a viral attack. Watch for other symptoms like cold sores or fever blisters. The fever blisters, shingles and chicken pox are all caused by the same virus. Natural anti-virals can give your system a boost. Plug it in an search engine like duck duck go or start page. look for ones that are easy to incorporate into your life.. Many of the kitchen seasoning have medicinal properties.. I am substantially anemic and have a low tolerance for iron..there is not prescribed one that i tolerate now. I am using a desiccated liver/organically sourced.