Been on Intermittent Fasting for 10 months now - never cheated once. Love it!

on 11/19/19 3:39 pm
VSG on 02/13/19

After weight loss surgery I generally find not eating much easier than before surgery. When I tried to fast before weight loss surgery It would always result in binging sooner or later.



Day of Surgery-347


on 11/19/19 3:53 pm

All I can say is that I have been on IF for ten++ months. There has never been a day that I went over calories of 2,000. And I, of course, still do not. I can only have 1,800 now, as I am 120/121 lbs. - 5'4" -

or the doctor now says 5'3" LOL. I have not binged once in ten months. That's me. I just do not feel very hungry on IF. I used to dream in the tub about what I was going to stuff in my mouth watching TV after 6 p.m. Now, in 10+ months, I have never ever eaten after 6 p.m. I think it was just habit, because I honestly do not crave it. But, as we all know, everyone is different.

(deactivated member)
on 11/28/19 4:39 am

It's an interesting idea ... and a doable one I guess . But like all diets I suspect long term it will slow the dieters metabolism.

Some folks like and even need the structure of a " food plan" to feel like their eating and body isn't out of control- I don't .

If I need to " lean out" for a catalog job or a filmed show - I'll just drop the healthy carbs n alcohol , live on lean protein and salad n veggies n triple the workouts .

Simple .... and I'm always aware every diet makes me fatter by bumping up my body's set point. I only diet when it's a career MUST ...

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