Funny things people who've had WLS do

White Dove
on 11/3/19 11:59 am - Warren, OH

My buttonhold elastic came today and I put the invisible belt in the very worst pair of leggings I have. I would not mind throwing them away if I messed them up. It is working great. They have not moved at all today. I will do this for all of my pants that are constantly falling down.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/3/19 1:27 pm
VSG on 06/11/18

Is it just me, or does anyone else do this? Sometimes, usually right after I get out of the shower, I have the urge to hold up the loose skin on my hips as I walk. It feels like I'm wearing pajamas with feet that are too big for me, and I'm afraid the excess skin will sag down in front of my toes and I'll trip over it.

In reality, the excess skin doesn't look too bad at all. It's more that I'm still getting used to the feeling.

on 11/10/19 4:49 am
VSG on 06/28/17

Ah yes, the loose skin, lol. I don't have it to the severity that I NEED it removed but I definitely have it. Sometimes I will wear a surgical binder to smooth it out a bit, (I have an abdominal feeding tube for right now and the binder also helps when I don't want to tape the heck out of it to keep it in one place as well as having the second effect of smoothing out skin bumps). I realize some people do have it removed but honestly, I have had enough of hospitals these past few years and right now it is live and let live, (as long as the skin doesn't fill back up with too much fat we are okay ;) ) I am still getting used to being less than half the person I appeared to be for so many years. My kids will see old photos and make very honest statements lets just say

on 11/3/19 10:36 pm - Chicago, IL

Here's one. This was about 6mons out, I'm 13yrs out now. I was out with my daughter and I was wearing an African print caftan. I was surprised to see another African American woman AND wearing the same thing I was.I pointed her out to my daughter. She burst out laughing and said "Mom, that's your reflection". REALLY????

And a couple of times while looking in the full length mirror I actually waved to make sure it was me. It does take some adjusting.



