16 year Anniversary!

on 10/16/19 10:12 am - Somewhere in AL, AL

Today marks 16 years since my RNY. I am doing well and do post this once a year to help any newbies understand that this can be a long-term solution. I weighed in at 325 at my heaviest, 275 surgery day. Got down to 132 at one point during that time. I weighed 130.2 this morning so I am very happy with my ongoing success at this. It does take some effort on my part, I ain't gonna lie, lol. My weight has fluctuated somewhat through the years, even getting back up into the 170s a couple of times. But I was determined not to stay there so I got back on my eating plan and it came back off. I walk a lot for exercise and still am very strict about what I eat. But is it totally worth it! I am 59 and feel great! Hang in there people, this does work!


on 10/16/19 11:49 am
VSG on 02/13/19

No idea what you looked like before but I can't tell you were ever that big now. Thank you for the motivation!



Day of Surgery-347


on 10/16/19 12:02 pm - Somewhere in AL, AL

Thank you! I was big!! I never knew this tiny person was hiding underneath LOL


on 10/22/19 2:13 pm

Oh my God, you are a total inspiration! I just came back to Obesity Help to share my story and also get inspiration from people like you. I celebrated six years in July. My top weight was 277 and my lowest is now at 162. I went through an emotional rough patch a few years ago and went up to 178 and I was terrified. I got counseling and eventually lost the weight. Now I want to lose the "last twenty" because even though I am a size 12, my BMI is still 30 and I am still in the "Obese" category. Thanks for sharing your awesome journey. I just noticed the picture in the background that says "One Day at a Time"! Also I have to learn how to edit the photos! Obviously, I am the big gal on the right!

on 10/26/19 3:16 am
VSG on 06/28/17

You look amazing. What an inspiration you are at 16 years out from surgery. Thank you for sharing that despite ups and downs you always returned to basics. We need to read that continued success takes accountability and putting in the work and it will be a moving target as we go through life. As another poster stated, I don't know what you looked like before but you look amazing and very happy. What an inspiration for all of us!

on 10/31/19 2:03 pm - Somewhere in AL, AL

Thank you so much! As I said, returning to the basics of protein first and keeping my carbs low does the trick! Also, I weigh every day even though people tell me not to. It's my life and I will do this the way it has worked for me all these years. When I decided this last time to lose the 30 plus pounds I had gained, I went strict 800 calories a day and 20 grams of carbs or less per day. The 30 came off easily and then in the past year I have lost more just by upping my walking and then lost more the first part of this year after getting a divorce. So now I have lost over 46 pounds. Just have dropped under 130 this past week and wasn't even trying to do that. When I make my mind up about losing, I don't eat a bite that I don't plan into my daily calorie intake. Good luck with losing the last 20, you can do it.

