A lot of us are Shocked when we see someone sincerely frustratedly asking 4 help
Here is the other post, WhiteDove, it was like 3 months ago.
Revision after gastric bypass due to weight gaine
I read the whole thread, and I didn't see anyone say anything negative at all.
I don't understand why you need to be treated "delicately" about regain? It is what it is. Either the surgery failed you, or you failed the surgery. IMHO, most regain is caused by not following the doctor's plan and going back to old eating habits. Revisions should be to correct medical conditions.
Me....I haven't reached goal....because I've been eating wrong. Lost an initial 160 pounds, then stopped eating right. About 50 pounds short of goal. Maintained for awhile, then started to gain. Struggling like crazy to get back on track and stay on track. On and off. But I've never considered "revision" because I know the problem is with me, not the surgery.
I get loads of support here on OH. I like it when people provide information, suggestions, support and honesty. As Sgt. Joe Friday used to say...."Just the facts."
on 9/18/19 10:17 am
In my 6+ years on OH, I have seen a LOT of people seek a revision because they have fallen into bad habits and do not use the original tool they were given.
Nobody has anything personal against you.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I asked for information about revision surgery on a revision forum. Instead I got responses I man out how regain is all the regainers fault. Nthat sounded like blame on my end and I was blaming myself enough as it is. My regain was due to moving in with my mother to take care of her and was living with food that was my kryptonite because of that. After a year of living with her I bought a place near her to continue to take care of her and get my food back on track. It has taken me two years to lose fifteen lbs. Forgive me if I wanted answers to the question I asked and not one I didn't ask.
on 9/18/19 3:12 pm
I asked for information about revision surgery on a revision forum. Instead I got responses I man out how regain is all the regainers fault. Nthat sounded like blame on my end and I was blaming myself enough as it is. My regain was due to moving in with my mother to take care of her and was living with food that was my kryptonite because of that. After a year of living with her I bought a place near her to continue to take care of her and get my food back on track. It has taken me two years to lose fifteen lbs. Forgive me if I wanted answers to the question I asked and not one I didn't ask.
Your situation is very common, which is exactly folks ask the question about behavior.
If someone falls back into poor eating habits after their first surgery, what's to prevent them from doing the same thing after a revision?
Surgery, even a revision, isn't a magic fix.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
You won't see many positive revision stories, because they are rare. Sometimes a person has a revision, starts eating correctly and loses weight, but the average revision weight loss is 20 pounds. That magic where you lose 100 pounds effortlessly is a once in a lifetime deal.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
This is a very interesting topic as I saw this same issue you are describing at my support group. A woman came several times discussing regain and revision. People kept trying to describe how she should try to uncover the underlying reasons first and then see if she needed the surgery. She was so convinced that the only solution was the revision and kept focusing on the reasons her tool from the first surgery wasn't working anymore. She kept getting angrier with each session. As you might have guessed she has left the group and I suspect will be an unsuccessful statistic added to WLS. Please see that everyone is trying to help you and not shame you. Focus on the issues inside vs. outside. I find I say this a lot lately, but it is helping me - Please consider a therapist that is bariatric patient/eating issue trained. I also have a friend who is facing the same issues at work. We had surgery weeks apart by the same doctor. I'm within a couple pounds of goal weight and she has regained half her weight back. We had coffee a few weeks ago and all she could talk about was that there is just too much food around the office to be successful. Keep in mind this is the same food I pass 10 times each day. It's really about how you relate to food and your emotions. This is our challenge every day. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck.
HW 510 / SW 424/ GW 175 (stretch goal to get 10 under) / CW 160 (I'm near the charts ideal weight - wonder if I can stay here)
RNY November 2016
PS: L/R arm skin removal; belt panniculectomy - April, 2019