Has anyone ever shown up for surgery and been sent home?

on 8/26/19 4:01 pm

So, I lost the requisite 15 pounds, got all.of my clearances, miraculously managed 3 days without food. Cpap compliance, Put my life on hold, ordered all of my postop.shakes and vitamins and psyched myself up for this revision today. I was ready.

I.got into preop, iv fluids and other stuff fully underway. Interview with anasthesia and settled in to wait for.12:30 to come. At 2 pm doc comes in and begins palpating my upper abdomen so hard i thought i would cry. The look on his face.was not promising.

He sat down and said, I cant operate until you lose 15 more lbs and plus a repeat three day fast. I was stunned. Then started bawling and protesting.

His.explanation was.there.was.still.too much stomach and and the liquid fast should have done the trick ( I lost a whopping 2 lbs) He said.it would.be a 4.hour procedure and too.dangerous because i have a history of DVT and Pulmonary Embolism. 10 more.pounds.he said and we will.revisit.

I was devastated at first but grateful too that he was looking out for me.

So, i.will have to find it within me to drop 10 more pounds and do it again. Not easy but i will do it.


White Dove
on 8/26/19 4:46 pm - Warren, OH

I am so sorry that this happened to you. I lost 10 pounds on the liquid only diet for one week. But mine was just clear liquids, no protein powder or milk. I drank diet cranberry juice, diet 7-up, water, and drank chicken broth for a week. I would get the weight off as quickly as possible and keep it off until he does the surgery.

I was at the point where if they told me I would have to drink mud shakes in order to have the surgery I would have gladly complied.

My surgeon sends people home often. This is an elective surgery and he wants to make it as safe as possible.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Patty R.
on 8/27/19 12:42 pm - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16

What a devastating turn of events.

Tomorrow is a new day, let the shock of it all fade away and stick to your guns and start dropping the needed weight. I understand your disappointment.


on 8/27/19 3:23 pm
VSG on 02/13/19

Man I am so sorry that happened. I am a little confused..what does "His.explanation was.there.was.still.too much stomach" mean? Did he mean too much food in the stomach? Either way I know this was devastating, But there is literally only 2 ways you can go from here. You can use the disappointment and frustration to motivate you to do what you gotta do to get that revision surgery...Or you can let it defeat you and give up. I hope you choose to turn it into motivation.

The first time I tried to get weight loss surgery I was doing everything half fast and just hoping to slide on in to surgery. At that time I was in the mental health community for depression, panic and agoraphobia. I was not leaving my house much except to appointments really. And I failed the psyche evaluation..so i needed to see a therapist before being cleared for surgery. Well before I knew it 6 months had passed with that therapist and finally I was fed up and I asked her "do you have any intention on clearing me for surgery?" and she said she didnt feel confident in giving me the OK because she didnt want me to be stuck at home only worrying about my diet with nothing else going on in my life. She said she would feel better if I entered some sort of program called the PROS program..Which is for people who are getting back on their feet..they teach you life skills and what not. From what I was told by a former therapist it's basically for recovering drug addicts trying to their lives back. And I was told by my former therapist that I didnt need to enter it. So I told her I didnt want to enter it and she flat out told me that she wouldnt clear me. I told her thank you for everything but this will be my last appointment with her. Basically 8 months was thrown out because of that. I was pretty upset..bitter..I just went back to my old eating habits. Not long after I was diagnosed with diabetes. I blamed the therapist for me getting diabetes..And I spent the next 7 years on a diabetic rollercoaster from hell. Looking back now I dont think she was the reason why I got diabetes. Although I do think had I gotten the surgery My diabetes would have been cured because I was set on the RnY back then and was only pre-diabetic. But she wasnt the reason. I was. My stubbornness was. If I had just done what I was told I would have gotten the surgery. Probably would have never got diagnosed with diabetes and who knows where my life would have been Now. Looking back I wish i would have just done what i needed to do to get the surgery. One of my biggest regrets.



Day of Surgery-347


Amy R.
on 8/28/19 9:00 am

Wow I am so sorry you're having to deal with this. But you know what? You have a pretty good surgeon in my book. He may have literally saved your life.

And your life is worth so much more than 15 pounds.

Not sure which revision you're having but all of those things can be pretty dicey. You seem to have the right attitude so honestly you're 90% there.

Just wanted to offer a bit of encouragement. You're on the right track. Hang in.

(deactivated member)
on 9/18/19 5:22 am

I was required to lose like almost 40 lbs ( on a liquid diet ! ) before I was given a surgery date . When I finally went in ( I was a lightweight with comorbidities to begin with ) I was so small ( if you call 180 small ) half the nurses were bigger than me ... and trust me every one of them said " why is he operating on you ? "

my reply was " diabetes" and a pleasant attitude .

I was VERY aware that every one of these ( jealous b..s ) has the power to immediately derail my surgery by calling hospital administration or the insurance company . I kept my mouth shut did as I was told and kept praying . And it miraculously worked out .

Your doc is probably feeling your liver which may be fatty and causes a risk during surgery . That's why we're asked to diet before ( not out of cruelty lol! ) just deal with the liquid diet - walk if you're bored n hungry and it'll come off quick ((()))) hugs
