Does anyone really regret having the surgery?
I think RNY ten years ago was the best thing I ever did for myself . I have had no complications am in excellent health my diabetes remains in total drug-free remission since days after surgery. I feel much more successful and secure professionally somewhat more successful personally and much happier.
I did and continue to struggle with a few issues - snacking and drinking. Unlike most here I was never a dieter and I will not accept the lack of enjoyment self denial of either sobriety or a diet . Nevertheless I function, work, have friends , don't regain and ( usually ) don't embarrass myself :)
SOOOO happy I did it!! Did not know about the alcohol transfer, so good to learn about it on here. Actually I drink a lot less alcohol now-never was a liquor drinker but merely beer. Now it fills me up so quickly, and I can fill the effects much more rapidly that I can only have 1/2 a glass. I wish restaurants would allow you to order just 8 oz or less, but most of the time I leave 1/2 a glass (since my wife doesn't like beer) But so glad I had the surgery because it has really enlightened me about my relationship with food, which led to my relationships all around-since my childhood. It's more than the weight-loss that has benefitted me, but even more so how I've come to view myself. I actually like me now. I like who I am and I'm more flexible toward others. The ONE THING I wish I would of known beforehand-is THIS FORUM, it would of saved me SOOO much trouble! I remember how scared I was after the surgery because of the pain I was having-only to find out it was gas and that walking would help me with it. So for those of you who are here before having your surgery-you WILL fare a LOT better than I did!
You said you were in recovery from opioid abuse . That's gonna b a concern . Expect that the excess food withdrawal after surgery will last eight excruciating weeks . If you can get Ciboxin or any help for this time ... get it you'll need it . I'm sure you've read the horror stories about the guy who ate ribs n died and the guy who ordered the chreseburger in the hospital and had to be Re-surgeries ... they're true not fiction. It's an EXTREMELY hard time but thank God it ends . Be prepared to walk every fifteen minutes ... don't even IMAGINE you could work and get help with your baby ... you can DO this Mama !!! ((())) love
I have good days and bad days.
Acid reflux/GERD was godawful immediately postop. Now it doesn't seem to be too bad.
Biggest problem I have had so far is frequent/urgent bowel movements and consequently hemorrhoids. The DS diet (low fiber, high fat) doesn't do the roids any favors either. To be fair I ate almost no veggies pre-op and I eat almost no veggies post op so there is clearly some user error at work here. Toxic gas isn't great either (though that can be controlled mostly with diet).
Losing weight has been great in a lot of ways, I feel perkier, I can move and go a lot further without getting worn out. I'm thrilled to be off my meds for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. It's mostly great having people notice I'm losing weight (though it is sometimes creepy). But it didn't solve my self esteem and depression issues or make my life magically better. I still have the same job and the same personal faults, I'm just a lot skinnier while dealing with them.
I'm glad my DS allows me to have a cookie without getting sick (as long it's A cookie) but I don't like having to explain what it is every time I go to the doctor or get pushy about needing special labs done. This is self inflicted, I had good reasons for choosing a DS, but I also have a compulsion to be off the beaten path and honestly some part of why I chose the DS is because it's not the mainstream choice.