Does anyone really regret having the surgery?
that sounds awful! I'm sure bc of all that more and more surgeons refuse to even perform the DS surgery?
One thing about the DS is that either not a lot of people are getting them or it's something not often done in lieu of a different procedure. So you won't see a lot of horror stories about them on this site.
It could be how I'm reading it but, another thing that's saying something is that your post comes off as bashing other wls options while promoting your own.
It's all well & good that you feel good about your surgery but giving a false impression that the ds is better than the other surgeries is misleading to say the least.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Yes, as the DS has about a 1% market share in the bariatric world these days, one would expect a proportionally lower number of complications, etc. reported in these forums. Also, the DS is not evenly distributed geographically, as I don't know of anyone in New England who knows how to do it, while there are half a dozen in the NY/NJ/PA area.
The other thing to remember in these forums is the concept of adverse selection where those with problems are the primary ones who post while those with no problems have nothing to complain about. So these forums are great to get an idea of what problems might occur, but not how frequently they occur.
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin
on 7/21/19 5:27 am - GTA, Ontario, Canada
Way to be a negative Nelly there Valerie, wow just wow

Daisy 5'5" HW: 290 SW: 254 CW: 120
Nov 15, 2013: RNY - Toronto Western Hospital, Nov 2, 2017: Gallbladder removal & hernia repair
Sept 7, 2023: three +1 hernia's repaired in bowel
10+ years post op, living & loving life!
A Duodenal Switch, also known as a Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS). Short version is it's a Sleeve Gastrectomy plus a rearrangement of the Small intestine. The small intestine winds up in a Y configuration with the left top side of the Y (biliopancreatic leg) carrying digestive juices from the liver and the right top side (alimentary leg) carrying food from the stomach, they mix in the bottom part of the Y (the common channel), thus only allowing full digestion over a very small portion of the small bowel. The result is much lower absorption of fat, and lower absorption of protein and complex carbohydrates. Many vitamins and nutrients are also malabsorbed, particularly the fat soluble ones (Vitamins A,D,E, and K).
It's a really big gun. I chose it because it has the highest success rate in long term obesity reduction and diabetes control, but I did it knowing it can and will kill me if I do not take care of myself. Life threatening nutritional deficiencies are guaranteed over the long term unless a regular program of supplementation and testing is followed.

Wow that seems so extreme...and scary. So how has it worked out for you thus far? And how long since you've had it? I don't think I'd go that route or even the regular bypass. I have about 80 pounds to lose (100 even). I'm 5'3" and weigh 232lbs and the VSG seems like best option but I'm very concerned with fact that I've already got GERD and many people have told me on here that it can worsen:'( my doctor kind of blew me off when I inquired but I'm meeting with my surgeon in September so I'm planning on talking with him about it. I'm sort of ambivalent at this point. I was set on sleeve but after hearing how bad the gerd can become... I'm really re-thinking it ALL. My whole life I've struggled with my weight and I just want to become healthy and happy once and for all
I was 350+ pounds when I decided I had to have bariatric surgery sooner rather than later (January 2018). I managed to get down to 304 pounds the date of Surgery (12/18/18), today I am 203 pounds. I am 5'9" with a fairly big boned build. My best guess is I will bottom out at about 180-190 (but like every other weight loss surgery patient I don't really know where the weight loss will stop). I am not an especially good patient and probably could have lost more during that time but part of why I had a DS is to not be stuck on some super rigid diet. Regain happens with the the DS but it generally isn't as pronounced as with the RNY or sleeve. I have been off of my diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol medications since the surgery. It hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns but overall I feel pretty good and I don't think I look bad for having lost a 148 pounds in 18 months.
A VSG isn't going to do your GERD any favors at least in the short term. Mine was much worse right after surgery but now has mostly vanished.
One of my low points was having just taken a 5 hour flight back from San Diego (where the TSA were inordinately fascinated with the bandage over where my drain had been) and then a pretty rough four hour ride home, I sipped some broth then crawled in bed and then had the most ripping GERD I've ever experienced in my life. The fire went from the back of my throat to my stomach.
If you don't have one, get a Recliner. We did not have one. My oldest daughter blessed my socks off and bought me one the next day and I spent most of my time there for several days. For sleep I set a rule of no food or drink within 4 hours of bedtime. The heartburn responded well to that, along with a medicine change. Time (and weight loss) cured it. By the time I went back to work 5 weeks after Surgery my GERD was under control and I stopped taking Zantac and my PPI a couple of months ago.

I've lost about 28 pounds since winter time and since changing my diet my GERD has actually begun to subside. I rarely even get heartburn anymore that's why I'm wondering if the VSG route would be alright to do..? Especially after losing even more weight I just wonder how that will positively affect gerd symptoms.