Former NFL QB Jared Lorenzen Dead At (Only) 38
on 7/8/19 1:12 pm
This person is pulling statistics out of their ass, especially about "everybody regains all the weight after WLS."
According to this study (source) only 3.4% of RNY patients have regained all their weight (within 5% of starting weight) at the 10-year point.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
White Dove, those who participate in a Medically Managed Program such as the one I am in show that nearly 70% of those who participate in such programs are successful in keeping their weight off 5 years after reaching their ideal weight. That is a higher percentage then those who go through WLS. The stat that you have chosen to cite include those who go participate in such programs as Weigh****chers, Nutrisystem, Optifast, and other for-profit weight loss programs, all of them designed to insure the long term failure of the patient.
Well know-it-all tell us what Medically Managed Program you are on that appears by your submission is superior to any WLS.
You are on a site for WLS and you are clearly against WLS since your posts are about "losing weight the correct way" Why not just leave us alone and carry-on your own way.
Or maybe you like to make fun of people who have had WLS and this is your way of being able to do it?
on 7/8/19 1:09 pm
This person has apparently blocked me, but their statistics are bull****
Yes, research shows that over 70% (actually 87%) of people undergoing non-surgical medical weight loss focusing primarily on behavior modification have maintained weight loss at 5/10/15 years out. BUT! The criteria for that is that they need only keep 10% of their EWL off; for somebody who is morbidly obese, that's pretty much nothing. (Source)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 7/10/19 2:46 pm, edited 7/10/19 7:47 am
And yet they're going off off, accusing me of a block "so you attempt to discredit me without my knowing it" when I challenge them on their claims. Their name is NOT in my block list as far as I can tell, but I can't see their posts on this thread, so I have no idea WTF is going on.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
He clearly thinks we're all stupid for having surgery when we could have taken 2 years to lose 100lbs the right way.
Somehow, the "liberals" comment wasnt a surprise as he's done nothing but spout falsehoods here, with zero citations, which I'm sure he believes wholeheartedly, just like his orange master. Facts only matter to people who acknowledge science.
I've never understood people who want to troll places in which they have nothing invested. I'm guessing life has to be pretty banal.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
on 7/8/19 1:30 pm - Amarillo, TX
I took the liberty to block this person. First time i've Done so. Kind of like antivaxxers, they have facts pulled out of anywhere but the truth. There IP should be blocked in my opinion.
The only one acting like a know-it-all here is you. As for what kind of Medically Managed Program I'm on, that's it. When capitalized it is a specific formatted program and has three requirements: 1) regular appointments with Medical Professional, either an MD or a LPN with specialized training in both the medical and psychological aspects of weight loss (no Weight Loss Psychologist needed), 2) a regular appointment with a Nutritionist (not a Dietician) with a college degree in the subject, and 3) an Exercise Physiologist (not a "trainer") So what does this look like in the real world? In my case the LPN I see every other month (it started as an every month appointment) has 22 years experience in the field. She keeps track of me medically and has helped me deal with various psychological aspects of weight loss as well. I meet with our Nutritionist (she recently got her Master's in Nutrition from Baylor University) every month and we go over my food diary that I keep on She keeps me on track with my intake and teaches everything from food prep to providing recipes, to offering good food alternatives for the bad choices I make, and many many other things as well. I would put our Exercise Physiologist up against anyone in the field. She designs customized exercise plans for all of her clients (numbering nearly 400 now) depending on the limitations they have. We have at least one patient I'm aware of (and probably a whole lot more) awaiting joint replacement surgery and has a couple of joints that are bone on bone, yet she's in the gym 5 days per week doing her thing, and losing the weight needed so she can have her surgery. When I sat down with her for the first time last July 25th I couldn't walk around a store without a shopping cart to use as a walker. Less than three months later I finished my first 5k, and just two weeks ago I walked nearly 8 miles on Sunday as a spectator at a golf tournament. My progress has grown to the point that I am now doing some of the exercises, though not with the same weights, as she did in prep for a bodybuilding competition she participated in this past spring.
White Dove, as for learning the hard way, surgery won't happen. With 100 pounds gone now all I have to do is replicate the same process for the next 100 pounds and it will all be over with, so no, surgery is NOT in my future.
Sparklekitty, I don't know how to block someone but nice try anyway. It's pretty creative for you to block your post so you attempt to discredit me without my knowing it.; Please show me where I said that "everyone gains their weight back after WLS". I'd really like to see that. The stats I cited regarding non-surgery weight loss was in a study conducted by Stanford University over a 15 year period tracking people and their ability to stay within their ideal weight range at a minimum of 5 years. You are talking about a specific test using a specific structure (behavior modification). That's NOT the data I was alluding to. Nice try though.
Melody, that's the liberal way isn't it? Just shut people up who don't agree with you. I thought you guys were the tolerant ones.
The one thing you all have in common is an inability to READ. One of you said that I was arrogant for saying that I said that I lost weight in the correct way. I never said that and you can't find anywhere that I did say that. Another one keeps claiming that I said I have 0% body fat. Right that's why I'm on a weight loss plan. Still another one claims that I went too far when I said that many folks get WLS as a quick cure to their weight loss, yet she tells me how much faster that she got it off than I have been. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I didn't put this weight on overnight and I have no desire to take it off over night. I'm old school, I don't open a box of crackers in the store before paying for it because that's stealing, I show up for work when scheduled and give my boss my very best effort every day, and I keep my kids home from school when they are sick, so they don't spread it to other kids. I'm okay with developing the skill set necessary to lose this weight and keep it off, and I'm willing to take as long as necessary for those things to happen because this journey has always been about changing my harmful habits into good habits. Neither life nor weight loss is a race, they are both marathons, and I'm in it for the long haul. Bye for now and I hope you all had a great day today.
I really admire for doing the hard work and your persistence and success. Obviously you're here for emotional support and learning just like all of us are ... and you believe in your program because it's working for you .
WLS is just a jump start for most of us too .. we have to follow a diet and excercise program and learn how to cope emotionally without the high of excess food too . Welcome to the community ! :)