New Member Considering Weight Loss Surgery

on 7/3/19 1:06 pm

Hey Ash0117,

Welcome to the group. I want to add an additional option for you, Medically Managed Weight Loss. This program includes regular medical checkups (monthly/bimonthly), monthly meetings with a Nutritionist, and an exercise plan laid out by an Exercise Physiologist (not a "Trainer"). The Medical Professional should have credentials in the psychology of weight loss as well as the medical expertise to help you. The Nutritionist should have, at minimum, a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition, and by definition, the Exercise Physiologist has a degree in Kinesiology. These are the bare minimums for this type of structured program. Whether you end up choosing WLS or Medically Managed, diet and exercise will be a part of any success you may have. Repeated studies have shown that 5 years after reaching "ideal weight", which is different for everyone and has nothing to do with a BMI chart, that those in the Medically Managed Program that I laid out have much greater success in keeping the weight off than even those who go through WLS. IMO the reason for this is that way too often people who decide on WLS think it is the end to all of their problems, instead of the beginning, and they NEVER learn how to properly eat and exercise. I should tell you that the info I just offered you is supported by the Medical Professional I just had an appointment with a couple of hours ago, and she has over 23 years of experience working with the morbidly obese. If interested I would willingly provide all of the information needed to help you make an educated choice on which method would be best for you.

It should be noted that within hours of me hitting "submit" on this post there will be several who will push back against me, try to discredit me, and tell me how completely nuts I am, but fear not, with over 100 pounds lost, I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. Here's an example, last July 25th I began a directed exercise program provided to me by the Exercise Physiologist at our clinic. At the time I physically couldn't walk around WalMart without using a shopping cart as a kind of walker to aid my getting around. This last Sunday I attended the US Senior Open Golf Championship at Notre Dame as a spectator walking around the course. Upon getting into my SUV when leaving the tournament, the GPS on my phone told me that I had walked nearly 8 miles around that course (that's not steps taken converted to miles, but actual miles). When I thought about how far I had come, I literally broke down in tears. You can do it, I know you can.

on 7/3/19 1:30 pm


One more thing I would add, I don't drink meal replacement shakes or anything similar, in fact, I can eat anything I want, but in moderation. I often have M&M Chocolate Mint candies, but 18 is a serving so I limit myself to 18, if I have any.

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 7/12/19 5:56 am, edited 7/11/19 10:57 pm - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

WLS is a reset, not a cure.

That is the best summary if I have in my 4.5 years post WLS and 50+ years of obesity. (My mother took me to a bariatic doctor when I was in first grade.)

My tip: The issues that you have now, you will work through before surgery, or after surgery, or gain the weight back.

Now to you: Generally, you seem to be in an information gathering stage. So devote time and energy and get you some more info. Not just from WLS patients, but from the medical community. Continuing that investigation, which you have made a good start with by clarifying and posting your concerns here, will help you make your decision. You probably have a few months of investigation before you are ready to make a decision. Once you and your doctors have made a decision, and you know your reasons, then you will be prepared to take to others, if you think you need to. After all you are an adult and almost 30 years old.

At this point in your investigation, you should be unsure, but excited to see if this is an option for you.

I would suggest listening to the youtube video posted by 2 doctors and then going to a few free informational meetings presented by your local bariatric surgeons.

Dr. Matt Weiner:

This is general information that a bariatric surgeon will cover, but you will attend meetings in your area.

Dr Duc Voung:

I love Dr Voung, but you have to be prepared for straight talk and the f-bomb. But he is here to help people lose and keep the weight back.

