Doctor supervised 4 month diet

on 5/19/19 9:52 am

Hey guys,

I have my first appointment with my GP to start my 4 month supervised diet coming up tomorrow. I am just curious if there is a specific diet that is normally followed? In this pre op faze I planned on cutting portions and avoiding carbs. Do you think that is sufficient or what is my doctor going to require from me? I've never done this with a doctor before and just want to make sure everything starts out great. I'm already scheduled for my introductory nutrition class and my first of four nutritionist appointments but my GP appointment happens to come first. Any advice?

White Dove
on 5/19/19 11:10 am - Warren, OH

Mine suggested that I eat nothing white No bread, rice, potatoes, breads, sugar, or flours. I also gave up Diet Coke so that would be no withdrawal after surgery. There is no "pre-op" six-month diet that is standard for everyone.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/19/19 11:13 am
RNY on 06/03/15

as WhiteDove mentioned, there's no standard plan. It'll depend on your doctor or dietitian. Mine had me limit myself to 2300 kcal and gradually increase my protein, gradually decrease my carbs, and wean myself off of caffeine and carbonated beverages. In other words, ease myself into the way I'd be eating post-surgery. That way my post-op diet wouldn't seem like such a radical change.

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 5/19/19 4:27 pm
RNY on 05/03/18

As previous posters have said, there is no one plan. My doctor literally asked me what I needed from him and I said just a letter each visit stating what we were doing about my weight. I ended up with 4 letters with differing variations of "Haley weighed so-so on so-so date and she is eating 1500 kcal a day and incorporating more exercise"

It was a joke lol

27 years old - 5'5" tall - HW: 260 - SW: 255 - LW: 132.0 - Regain: 165.0

Pre Op - 5.0, M1 - 25.6, M2 - 15.6, M3 - 14.0, M4 - 13.4, M5 - 10.8, M6 - 13.8, M7 - 9.8, M8 - 7.8, M9 - 2.8, M10-2.4, M11-0, M12-7

Lower Body Lift with Dr. Carmina Cardenas - 5/3/19

on 5/20/19 7:06 am
RNY on 02/14/18

I was given 3 things to work on at each appt (for example, my first one was

  1. Stop drinking carbonated beverages
  2. No alcohol
  3. More Vegetables

and then each time I was rated against those, my weight was documented and next three things to work on were assigned.

My program required a change class, my insurance required the 6 months of documented appts but I didn't have a "pre op" diet, per se, outside of the 2 days of liquids as surgery prep.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 5/20/19 11:25 am

i had to meet with my GP for 6 months in a row but he just went over what i was eating, what diets i had followed in the past and he never really put me on a specific diet but each doctor is different.
