Starting the Process and Would Love Tips

Kath L
on 5/9/19 12:03 pm

So, I have done the orientation three times now ... once back in 2014 (quit because I got separated from husband and too much to handle) ... once back in 2017 (quit because I just wasn't ready and the kids were concerned) ... and once April 2019 ... third time is the charm and this time I'm in the right mindset and ready to follow through.

I'm just looking for tips and suggestions to keep me motivated and upbeat to get through the waiting period. I realise the waits are long and I'm OK with that because I know it means I will be 100% ready when the time comes.

Looking forward to your messages. I admit I love hearing about success stories and looking at the before and after pictures on here.


Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

Citizen Kim
on 5/9/19 1:15 pm - Castle Rock, CO

Aren't you a 15 year vet and moderator, Kathy S, or is this a second account?

Very confusing for we old timers!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Kath L
on 5/9/19 1:31 pm

I've seen another Kathy S in here. I should try to switch to something different.

Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

Citizen Kim
on 5/9/19 1:39 pm, edited 5/9/19 6:39 am - Castle Rock, CO

The OG Kathy S is a long time member/moderator. I think there are currently three of you lol

Might be worth getting a new identity, so we'll all get to know the REAL you in this exciting time in your life!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Kath L
on 5/10/19 8:55 am

Hi ... I switched up my name ... since I started the process ages ago when I was still married (separated now almost 5), my user name was based on my married name. I've switched back to maiden name ... so someone on here told me how to switch it ... so I'm not Kath L.


Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

Liz J.
on 5/9/19 2:04 pm
DS on 11/29/16

It took me three starts to get it done as well. I'm glad I waited, I was READY when I finally had it done, I don't think I would have been as successful if I had done it earlier. Now I'm 2.5 years out and I've been 25lbs below goal for 6 months! Good luck!

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

on 5/10/19 8:35 am
RNY on 10/17/17

I was a 2 timer. 1st time, insurance wouldn't pay and I was so glad. The idea of WLS scared me more than my weight scared me, I guess. 2nd time, when doc said you won't be able to walk if you don't do something drastic, my weight scared me more than the surgery and blessedly, my insurance would pay for it.

Surgeon: Dr. David Carroll Surgery Date: 3/17/2017 Hospital: Merritt Health River Oaks Hospital

Height: 5'2" HW: 331 lbs SW: 279 lbs GW: 130 (originally, I changed to 140) CW: 130 to 135 ish

Biggest Goal: To Be Healthy in everything I do!!! To make healthy choices always!!! To just embrace HEALTH each and every day for the rest of my Life!!!

Kath L
on 5/10/19 8:56 am

That's a great accomplishment and I'm hoping to be as successful. Congrats on the hard work.


Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

Kath L
on 5/10/19 8:59 am

I"m not the only one who has started the process more than once. Third time should be the charm. I'm mentally ready this time.

Congrats on the loss!

Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

Kathy S.
on 5/9/19 2:14 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Kathy S

It's nice to meet you. I think we are driving people crazy I saw another Kathy S posting also. You can control how your name displays by doing the following:

Click the * icon


It will open on the General/Basic tab

Scroll down and you have these options

Display Name Preference:

My username
My first and last name
My first name + last initial
My first initial + last name

Then Click Save

If you need help, let me know.


[email protected]

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130
