Revision in the works

Melody P.
on 4/27/19 6:14 am - Amarillo, TX

the past 7 months have been...well hell.

i finally have a solution in a revision to bypass sometime in May(the scheduler was out last week.)

what reading/research would y'all recommend? Can I use the bypass forum or just the revision?

i've Had a med adjustment for my mental health stuff and it's made a world of difference and i'm Upbeat and have a positive outlook.

Amy R.
on 4/27/19 7:30 am

I've no idea what you've been dealing with but I'm glad you found your solution.

You can use any forum you'd like to, but you'll probably get more traffic here and in the RnY Forum. Or in the VSG Forum if that's going to be your revision. =)

Kathy S.
on 4/27/19 8:12 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

So sorry for all you have been going through. If you are revising to a RNY I would hang out on the RNY forum. Here is the link for you:

This article may be of some help, not sure what you are revising from so I included both :-)

What to Expect from a VSG Revision to RNY or DS

What to Expect from a Lap-Band Revision to VSG, RNY, or DS

Keep us posted on how you are doing.



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Melody P.
on 4/27/19 9:53 am - Amarillo, TX

I should of added that I had vsg in March of last year. In Late July the acid started. Then I had my medication for bi-polar disorder jacked up(long story). In late October I had a serious leg injury. That didn't heal until late December. In February I had my gallbladder out then an infection.

it'll be a revision to rny. The acid is very bad still and I wasn't a candidate for the lynx...thankfully.

thanks ladies!

Amy R.
on 4/27/19 12:42 pm

Can I ask what a "lynx" is? I've not heard that one before.

Melody P.
on 4/27/19 5:13 pm - Amarillo, TX

This explains it better than I could... I misspelled the first time.

on 4/27/19 7:23 pm

I had a LINX Reflux Management System device removed last summer (July 2018). I do not recommend the procedure at all.

Melody P.
on 4/28/19 9:44 am - Amarillo, TX

I was Leary of it to begin with...all my research got me against it but my surgeon and another one agreed it was not good for me.

Amy R.
on 4/28/19 9:16 am

Thank you both!
