Please Help....Micro pouch complications?
I think I'm going to die! Seriously! I was one of the last surgeries that were done non-laprascopically (they opened me all the way up) by Dr. Sapala in 2001. I had GERD, Barretts Esophugus, and pre cancerous cells removed from my throat before gaining weight so that my BMI was high enough to have this surgery on the advice of my gastroenterologist. It DID seem to first. I lost all the weight plus. The GGERDand Barretts are still gone (although believe me I CAN still PUKE plenty) however I have A TON of medical issues now.
Here are a few...very low vitamins, low immune system, no teeth and I can't wear dentures due to my rapidly deteriorating gums, my bones feel sharp and painful, i've had bouts of iron transfusions, rectal/bladder/vagina wall prolapse (corrected w/surgeries), fibromyalgia, I've been tachacardic, barrachardic, I have LOW blood pressure more days than not. I've been diagnosed with an unspecified Pelvic Pain Disorder, frequent urinary infections, my stools are way too loose and look infected, sometimes have bright red blood in it or as I wipe (never a lot...knock on wood) I've had and have blood in my urine, etc...etc...etc! It just doesn't stop! Dr. Sapala moved from our state. I live no where near Detroit (where it was done) ...I'm exhausted! I'm in CONSTANT uncontrollable pain. Is it possible I have an infection inside the pouch somehow or could there be something the drs are missing???? Please...I can't keep this up and Drs now treat me like a liability. With the narcotic crisis they refuse to treat my pain which up until lately I've been ok with but the pain is too much to continue appointment after appointment w/o help now. I'm 43 going on 80. currently raising my 2 toddler grandkids 4 and 1.5....I can't die on them but I have no "quality of Life" left...
We are so sorry to hear all you are going through. Are you being seen by a bariatric surgeon or a regular physician? If a regular physician you need to see a bariatric surgeon. Dr. Sapala has passed away but you need to find someone who can address your issues, a qualified Bariatric surgeon. Let us know if you need help with that.
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on 3/1/19 3:58 pm, edited 3/1/19 8:06 am - WI
Did you have RNY surgery or did you have the old VBG surgery where they stapled your stomach and put a band at the top?
I ask that because the symptoms you describe are just like what I experiences with the old VBG surgery I had in 1986. I went to 7 specialists before was referred to Mayo Clinic. I had to have reconstructive surgery to repair the old VBG. My original surgeon did not know what he was doing and completely destroyed my digestive system. Mayo clinic saved my life. I now feel better than I have in over 30 years.
Get a referral and travel if you must. Your life is worth the hassle.
Also...even after revision you must have yearly blood work drawn and keep track of your vitamin levels. Years ago they told us to take Tums ( which are Calcium Carbonate that we do not absorb after surgery) and Flintstone vitamins (which are incomplete). They were wrong. After my reconstruction surgery I still have to take two complete adult multi vitamins, 1500 mg of Calcium Citrate (not Calcium Carbonate because it causes kidney stones and we don't absorb it well), vitamin D3, Magnesium, K2, Zinc, B complex, Heme Iron, and a B12 injection twice monthly. Keeping your vitamin levels good is not optional. You can die if you don't take supplementation seriously.
I learned I needed all these extra supplements because I started tracking my vitamin levels on a spread sheet and could correct downward trends before I became deficient. It sounds like you are severely deficient. It's up to you to keep track and not take it at face value if your PCP tells you your numbers are OK. You need to know the actual numbers.
For instance, Iron levels are considered "normal" between 13 and 276. That is a huge spread. You could be at 13 and your doctor will tell you you are in "normal" range. You start to have low iron symptoms when your numbers get below 50. When I hit 50 my PCP prescribes infusions for me. My iron got as low as 10 and I was having heart palpitations, headaches, restless leg syndrome, chronic fatigue, bleeding gums, etc. The iron infusions were a lifeline for me.
You can not take Calcium with Iron. They cancel each other out. There are lots of rules with vitamin supplementation. If you want to regain your health, you need a complete blood draw (that will be about 15 vials of blood), and you have to be willing to sit down and track your numbers. You will also need to do the research on vitamins and how they work together.
Obesity Help is a great source of info. There are a lot of us old timers that can answer any questions you have.
You can get your health back. Don't give up!
Edited to add: There are people on this site that have developed severe food allergies. Google SIBO. It could give you some answers. Some of your symptoms fit with SIBO.
Also...I had severe abdominal pain that turned out to be adhesions (scar tissue that forms in long strands and wraps around, or attaches to, internal organs. Adhesions do not show up on x-rays or CAT scans. They can cause bowel obstructions or severe pain. The only way to know if you have them is exploratory surgery. A surgeon can clear them out, but they often will grow back.
Much of what you describe could be directly associated with your "very low vitamins". What vitamins are you taking? You should get your levels tested and start supplementing according to what is low. Multivitamins or bariatric vitamins will be insufficient. I'd say calcium, D3-50k, A-25, heme iron are just but a few you need. Vast majority of surgeons and doctors will not understand your vitamin needs and think a multi or flintstones will be enough which is 100% false.