Cheating by supplementing HMR entrees with veggies during two week pre-op diet

on 12/30/18 1:02 pm, edited 12/30/18 5:03 am - Cleveland, OH

Wow. No veggies. I wonder why! I start my 2 week pre-op diet in a few more days. I am glad I had the option of preparing my own fresh meal plate or eating 1 frozen meal along with the required protein shakes. I get to have raw veggies with either one which I am glad of. I love crunching on sugar snap peas or cucumbers.

Jan. 22, 2019 had RNY surgery. Please send positive thoughts and prayers my way. Thanks!

Height 5'10" / HW 330 / CW 295

on 12/30/18 5:03 pm

I wish now that I had asked why, but I was so surprised in that moment. I think it is great that your place gives a choice! One thing I don't like about my place is that most things don't seem very individualized. The other place I was looking at seemed more individualized, but I couldn't go there because of insurance.

Anyway, I am curious, are you allowed to have all the veggies that you want or is it limited to a cup or two?

Good luck with your surgery!

on 1/4/19 9:02 pm - Cleveland, OH

My guide states: 1 cup of cooked vegetables and unlimited raw vegetables. I don't plan on eating vast amounts either way, even if they are veggies. I probably won't even want much during this diet. I just received my whey protein order.... It's almost time for me to start.

Jan. 22, 2019 had RNY surgery. Please send positive thoughts and prayers my way. Thanks!

Height 5'10" / HW 330 / CW 295

on 1/4/19 9:51 pm

Thanks for the info, makes me feel validated. Unlimited raw veggies would have been awesome!

In the end, I had one cup of spinach almost every day, but I didn't let it go beyond that. I found the diet not too horrible in terms of being hungry or having cravings. My only real problem was choking down the HMR entrees. I hope you also will not find it too bad.

We are almost there, good luck to you!

on 1/6/19 6:48 pm - Cleveland, OH

I start my 2 week pre-op diet on Tuesday. It shouldn't be so bad since during these next 2 weeks I also have a few doctor's appointments which will take my mind off food... and also will take up my time. LoL. When is your surgery? What are you having done?

Jan. 22, 2019 had RNY surgery. Please send positive thoughts and prayers my way. Thanks!

Height 5'10" / HW 330 / CW 295

on 1/6/19 10:17 pm

VSG on 1/9/19. The two weeks have gone pretty fast. Overall, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. The first day or two were the worst. Besides medical appointments, I was busier than expected trying to prepare everything I need and getting my life in order so I can be off for a while. It definitely helped me keep my mind off of food. Good luck!

on 1/7/19 9:03 am - Cleveland, OH

I can imagine being the same. I also have to make a couple of trips to some stores for certain items. My mind will be occupied. I will start my 2 week pre-op diet in the morning. I have some sugar-free flavored water enhancers since my beloved soda is off the list LoL. I'm not nervous now, but I'm sure I will be at some point next week.

Jan. 22, 2019 had RNY surgery. Please send positive thoughts and prayers my way. Thanks!

Height 5'10" / HW 330 / CW 295

White Dove
on 12/30/18 6:22 pm - Warren, OH

I went into this with the attitude that I would follow any program to the letter if it meant I could get rid of the weight.

I would have gladly drank mudshakes or eaten straw if that was what it took.

Enjoying food is what got me to the point of needing surgery. Cheating starts small and gets easier every day. Think about what you are going through and how important success is to you.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Liz J.
on 1/2/19 7:25 am
DS on 11/29/16

How did you dietitian appointment go?

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

on 1/2/19 12:02 pm

Thanks for asking! She said that she couldn't think of any reason I couldn't have low-carb veggies like spinach. She also looked it up in some of her resources to see if she could find anything about it, but she didn't see anything on it. I didn't bring up the Healthy Choice Simply Steamers because I feel bad enough about eating the veggies (that is a first!) and I find that I can tolerate the HMR if I eat it mixed with some spinach. I would still rather have the Healthy Choice, though!
