New to this!
My direction post surgery was to hydrate first (wek1) a and - worry about meeting protein goals in week 2.
Sip, sip, sip, constantly. They add up.
Whats your post op plan like? Liquids? Mushies? Week 1 for me was clear liquids, so not many options, weeks 2 was full liquids, so the ability to add milk helped tremendously- since I only liked milk based protein shakes.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
They are right - hydration first. Sip constantly. Don't go anywhere without a cup in your hand. 64oz is your goal each and every day. That starts the minute they took the IV out of your arm. Everything wet counts, so that protein drink also gives hydration points. You're probably on fluids, so you aside from protein drinks, you won't accomplish much. Try a nice bone broth to mimic something other than a beverage. You an buy it, but it's so much better if you make it yourself. Have the family eat a rotisserie chicken, then take the carcass and bones and cook them overnight in a crock pot with some onions and celery and spices to make it delicious. In the morning, sift out the bones (and skin if you left that in). Put it in a blender if you are nervous about the chunks, but add it back in so you have something wholesome and delicious
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes