The Arithmetic of Weight Loss

on 11/15/18 7:19 am
RNY on 08/21/12

To what purpose? You have shown no ability or inclination to change your rigid, misguided thinking. You are obtuse.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 11/14/18 12:30 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Wow, I chose the right time to stop back in to the forums hahaha

Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


Jenni B.
on 11/14/18 4:48 pm - Las Vegas, NV

I am going to try and be as polite as possible. Although it shows that I joined OH in 2008, I have been here since at least 2000. I was unable to use my first login, therefore I started another.

In the length of time I have been on here, I cannot recall anyone, whether wanting the surgery or not to ever state that I choice a microwave solution! I find this so completely offensive. This wasn't an easy surgery for anyone on here, we struggle everyday whether we have maintained goal weight or not.

For some of us, this was a life saving surgery, not necessarily did all of us have a choice to exercise instead due to our health from co-morbidities, I being one of them. I chose to take a risk dying from my surgery so that I could live!!

I am glad you found something that worked for you. I am actually jealous. I would love to drink real milk, of any fat%, I would love to have a Reese cup! My God, and every time my son eats something or drinks juice that I can NO longer tolerate, but want, I could scream.

I hope that there is no one in your life that ever has to make the same decision. Can't imagine how you would treat them. ~It's very sad.

on 11/15/18 6:29 am

Jenni, You cannot deny that some people go into WLS and see it as a microwave solution. You also can't deny that some doctors are all too happy to oblige. I've gone back through the content-filled responses to my original post and I have no idea how some you, including yourself, have reached the conclusions that you have reached. All I said was that the MATH for weight loss is simple.

Losing weight is HARD for many, many reasons, some psychological, some medical, and some physical. No matter what track you choose, be it WLS or Medically Managed, long term success is largely due to the self-discipline that it takes to stay the course, assuming that all of the other variables have been addressed. One person commented that she checked online menus and couldn't find anything that worked for her diet-wise so she called the restaurant to see if she could eat off the kids menu, but they declined. However, what she didn't say is if she went ahead and went to the restaurant anyway. If she did then she failed, at least this one time, to practice self-discipline. If I choose to go to Applebee's there are only two things on their menu that won't adversely affect my plan. The discipline comes in ordering one of those two things, and I'm guessing for most of us, myself included, that isn't natural. I love a regional chain of Mexican restaurants in our area but my choices are limited to one of three items on the menu, do I order one of those three or order that entree that i loved so very much but would set me back three days worth of nutrition? That's discipline. Do I buy the fresh fruits and veggies or do I continue to buy the chips and limit my intake? All of us, myself included, make bad choices from time to time, so do I loathe in self-pity or do I get back on the horse beginning with the next meal?

The ARITHMETIC of losing weight really is simple, but the rest of it is hard, very hard, and for some of us, very, very hard. Ultimately, discipline will be the key to success. Have a great day, all!!!

Liz J.
on 11/15/18 6:53 am
DS on 11/29/16

The comment was *I search online to see what I can have, I might even call ahead to see if they will let me order off the children's menu (not often because it's normally not very healthy).* I stated that I don't always eat off the kids menu because that menu can be unhealthy, If I'm calling to see if I can order off it it means I found a healthy option and want to know if they will let me order it. If they won't I have time to go back online and find another option or change the restaurant we are going to. Never said I would just get whatever... Taking things out of content and misquoting...

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

on 11/15/18 8:20 am


I didn't infer that you did, only that you never finished your thought. Like most of those who have responded to my first post, you are making assumptions about my thought process without any evidence of those assumptions. To be fair, when it comes to restaurants and eating out, if the calories or fat content don't kill you the sodium will, and I've researched all of the chain restaurants in my area. Even places like Baja Fresh and Subway have items or addons that one shouldn't consider. There are items on Applebee's menu that have nearly 3x the daily recommended amounts of sodium, and believe what you will, but the chicken on their menu is the worst.

Liz J.
on 11/15/18 8:25 am
DS on 11/29/16

Again, our dietary needs are very different. I actually need more sodium in my diet as mine is extremely low. I'm looking for sugar, carbs, protein, and calories to make sure I'm staying on my plan. Everyone has to adjust to what they need and no one size fits all.

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

on 11/22/18 7:05 pm


My question in my post was rather simple, if you couldn't find anything that fit your plan, did you go to the restaurant anyway. If so, then you lacked the discipline, at least for that one meal, to stay the course. If I can't find anything on a restaurant's menu,when cross checking the nutritional information, that doesn't fit my plan, then I simply do not go to that restaurant. Fortunately, my extended family is understanding enough to ask me where I CAN go when they want to go out to eat, and I usually have a ready made list of places that have meals that work for me.

Liz J.
on 11/25/18 5:18 pm
DS on 11/29/16

Since it's normally my husband and I, we go to restaurants we know that fit my plan. The few times I've been to a party at a restaurant that I couldn't find anything on the menu, I asked the staff if something they have can be adjusted before I go. I haven't run into a situation yet that I couldn't adjust to my plan. Being polite and asking before seems to be the key and it's worked so far.

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

on 11/25/18 8:14 pm

Liz, you have some great ideas. I( would have never thought to call ahead like that, I simply would not have gone. That's something I'll keep in mind if that situation ever comes up. Thanks.
