Election Day Plans (not completely off topic)
I live in Michigan and our early voting options are essentially non-existent. We have absentee voting, but you have to have a "reason". Although we have a ballot proposal this year that would make absentee voting available to everyone (and automatically register you to vote when you get a license, and allow you to register right up to and including the day of the vote - progress!).
They also recently did away with straight ticket voting. You have to vote individually for each race / proposal (that proposal mentioned above also return straight ticket voting to the ballot)_.
We are also very likely to have legal recreational marijuana here in a few hours!
It's actually the proposals in Michigan that are most exciting to me
We do get stickers; however my polling location is touch and go on those - I did get one this morning.
I don't know what you guys are seeing, but my polling location was packed this morning like I have never seen it before. It was mind boggling, especially since this is a midterm election. Our polls open at 7am, I got there about 7:10am and was voted 931! It took me 1.5 hours to vote. It was kinda exciting to see that level of engagement from the community, and as someone else mentioned you always run into a ton of people you know, so it was long, but fun. I personally like voting in person, there's something very satisfying about it to me.

Well, this is the first time that I received a sticker in Pennsylvania. (See picture below.) That's about the best thing I can say about voting this year!
This is the first year I had to sign in to vote on a computer tablet and not paper. The election registrar is supposed to compare your signature from year to year and that's how you are identified in PA. PA voted down requiring picture identification at the polls a while back.
Well, they gave me a "pen" with a foam tip to sign with, but it didn't work. So the registrar told me to sign on the tablet with my finger. I said, "you're kidding, right?" But, no! I signed the best I could with the broken foam-tipped pen. My signature did not look anything like my previous signatures, but she just shooed me on to vote.
We still have the horrible electronic voting booths. My county hasn't decided on or piloted a new paper ballot system like they were supposed to! So, I sent my votes forever to be lost in cyberspace!
And that's the American way in 2018!