On October 15, 2018 at 7:10 PM Pacific Time, Marti P. wrote:
I had a lapband done at Stanford University by Dr. John Morton 10 years ago. I go back to Bariatric Specialties for a checkup every year. I also receive my healthcare at Stanford. It is my understanding that bariatric medicine has progressed so far in the last 10 years that they no longer do lapbands.
Marti in San Jose
unfortunately,lap bands are still done all over the country. Ppl post regularly on the lap and forum about how excited they are to be having it done.
VSG on 11/07/17
Sorry no real info for you, but really do your research on the lap and. It is a horrible surgery! Many surgeons won't even do it. I had it, was not successful, and ended up having emergency surgery to remove it. Many have suffered my same fate.