Keto. A clarification.

Amy R.
on 10/1/18 6:30 am, edited 10/1/18 8:15 am

For the record, a true KETO diet approximates the following macros:

65-70% fat/15-20% protein/10-15% carbs

It is not the same as paleo or whole 30 or even Atkins. The emphasis in ketogenic eating is on getting the fats in. Hence people putting butter in their coffee.

FWIW, I don't have the super secrets to all keto knowledge. When my husband went keto a couple of months ago, I thought it was similar to all the above. So I googled it. And found I was way off the mark. Just hoping to spare someone else the lost time and/or embarrassment. =)

All of you KETO people, please correct me if I am (still) wrong.

edited: thank you Hala!

H.A.L.A B.
on 10/1/18 8:01 am

Absolutely. Except - note that you have fat 2 times. I think the 3rd one,(10-15% ) should be carbs.

Plus, not net carbs. Total carbs including fibers and Sugar Alcohol or fiber.

Fat, not just any fat, but high quality fat from natural sources.

Fat should be olives, avocado, eggs, butter, nuts, and more marbled type of meat - free range or organic. .

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Amy R.
on 10/1/18 8:21 am

Thanks Hala! Glad you caught that before this went any further.

And I should also have hit a disclaimer that carbs is total carbs. There aren't very many reasons that support using that "net carbs" number. I wish they would take it back out because it's all sorts of misleading. And yes too on the quality of the fats. My big strong and silent type husband is now using ghee in his cooking.

I tried to figure out a menu that was 70% fat calories and couldn't do it without bumping protein up to over 20. I'm sure there are a myriad of ways, but I couldn't do it off the cuff. It's an interesting way to eat for sure.

Liz J.
on 10/2/18 6:23 am
DS on 11/29/16


Your mileage may very... This is close to what I do with my Dietitian.


One of the hallmarks of Keto success is knowing if you are *in ketosis* or not. Ketosis is a state where your metabolism is primed to burn fat more effectively. Many followers of Keto diets check this state with a ?Ketosis stick? on a regular basis, proudly posting their keto stick selfies online. HOWEVER, Bariatric Surgery alters our digestive systems which can impact the way the body signals that it?s in Ketosis. With this in mind, it?s MUCH easier to skip the the frustration of tracking Ketosis just stay consistent with the plan.


For the folks who like to use an app to track calories, protein and carbs here are your settings for weight loss using BEE Keto:

Calories: 1000

Protein: 45% or 113 grams

Carbs: 20% or 50 grams.

IMPORTANT: Please resist the urge to go below 35 on a regular basis. Limiting yourself to too few carbohydrates is the easiest way to burn out on a diet and fall off track. If you want results consistency is key. So eat some veggies! Have some fruit!

Fat: 35% or 39 grams

Remember that these settings are LIMITS. NOT goals. There is no such thing as ?extra? or ?leftover? carbs, fats or calories at the end of the day if you want to lose weight. Do not forget that you already possess the ultimate portion control device inside of you. Your Pouch, Sleeve or Banded Stomach! So eat until you are satisfied but not stuffed so full you are uncomfortable and you will see the results you want!

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

Amy R.
on 10/1/18 1:11 pm

Thanks for the info Liz. I've got no way of judging anything keto so I'll leave it to the others to comment. I know Cathy or someone will be by eventually. (I hope.)

Cathy H.
on 10/1/18 10:57 am, edited 10/1/18 4:48 am
VSG on 10/31/16

Yes, Amy, the ratios you show are the minimum for a Ketogenic way of eating. However, there is much more to eating true keto than just the numbers. True Keto is a whole body approach to eating...not just limiting carbs and eating high fat, but also focusing on healthy eating and how foods affect your body.

When looking at any food, true Keto looks at ingredients first, nutrition info/carb counts second. In addition to the macros you pointed out, clean and true Keto eating means no grains, no sugar, no legumes, no soy, no starches, and low GI veggies, and a few berries. With only a few exceptions, veggies should be those that grow above the ground (radishes, jicama, and turnips being the exceptions for under the ground), and the above ground exceptions being to avoid gourds and most winter squashes, as they are too high in carbs and natural sugars. A lot of the "no" foods are because they either increase insulin response, or because they contribute to and/or cause inflammation (legumes and soy, for example). Fats should be healthy natural fats, no processed oils. Dairy is a choice, but if used, should be whole fat dairy--no milk (heavy whipping cream only), full fat cheeses (no processed American cheese), and full fat yogurt, cream cheese and sour cream.

Yes, the macros are important, and it is not a true Ketogenic way of eating unless you are consuming enough fat to rewire your brain into using fat for energy instead of glucose. Ketosis can be achieved by just eating low carb, but Ketogenic eating is much more than just being in ketosis.

There are a lot of other Keto "diets" out there--lazy Keto, dirty Keto, IIFYM (if it fits your macros) Keto--that all call themselves Ketogenic diets. However, if you read the literature from the doctors that have been promoting Keto for decades, you see that true Keto is so much more.

As you can see, this is a trigger subject for me . I have been researching and reading and learning about the Ketogenic way of eating for nearly 2 years, and have been true/clean Keto for almost 18 months. I continue to study and learn the science behind Ketogenic eating every day. It is not a "diet" for is the way I eat. Vegans are vegans, I am Ketogenic.

I will now get down off my soapbox lol.

ETA: I forgot to say that you are also right in that making sure your fats are at least 65% is necessary to ensure a true Ketogenic way of eating is successful. Anything less means consuming too much protein, and the excess protein gets turned into carbs (and ultimately glucose) via glucogenesis, and inhibits your body using fat for fuel instead of carbs and glucose. Optimally you should have a 2:1 fat grams to protein grams ratio.

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

Liz J.
on 10/1/18 11:34 am, edited 10/1/18 4:54 am
DS on 11/29/16

I agree and it's also different depending on your body needs and what kind of surgery you've had. I've been in Ketosis for over a year, I got bounced out a few times over choices I made and now I'm extra careful about what I eat. I believe Keto help me hit all my goals much earlier than my surgeon thought... well. I hit a few he never thought I'd hit much-less under the 2 year mark. I'm lucky to have found a dietitian that understands Keto and bariatric surgeries, just wish she wasn't moving away from me. On ward and down ward! Looking at maybe losing a little more weight once she feels my maintenance is set and I'm good to go.

Just a quick edit: I've had the DS surgery and because if this I HAVE to get a minimum amount of Protein in per-day. If you can do standard Keto, great and as a DSerI can not. My protein must be over 100 and they really want me to move it up to 120 per-day. So standard Keto is not an option for some of us. Again, your mileage may very depending on your surgery.

HW: 398.8 SW:356 GW: 175 CW:147

Amy R.
on 10/1/18 1:05 pm

Thank you for all of that Cathy. I was secretly kind of hoping you would comment because I know you have been doing this for a bit.

Honestly, I think this is wear the rubber meets the road. It seems as if those who just focus on the percentages don't hang in for too awfully long. My husband will likely be an example. He came back from his first "keto" grocery excursion with some steak, some chicken, and some spinach leaves, explaining he was never going to pay 7$ for a tiny (to him) jar of ghee, grass fed or no, lol. He has made some changes that will probably stick but I'm not sure they qualify as lifestyle-changes.

Anyway, thanks for bringing it (all). It truly is a different way, and the high fat percentages reflect that. Most people see the numbers and research at least a bit. But it's amazing how many just start eating to meet those macros and end up in all kinds of distress.

My hat's off to you. I physically cannot go there, but in all actuality I probably wouldn't/couldn't regardless.

Cathy H.
on 10/1/18 1:22 pm
VSG on 10/31/16

You're very welcome, Amy. True, it's not a lifestyle for everyone. It takes a lot of commitment, like any permanent change to the way you eat. I decided when I had surgery that I was never going to eat bread and sweets and all those things that made me SMO in the first place. To me, they're evil and I don't want any part of them. I never considered re-introducing those things post-surgery. So for me, it was an easy transition to full on Keto as a permanent lifestyle.

BTW...I do dairy in my Keto, so I don't buy ghee (too expensive), I use Kerrygold Irish butter...super yummy.

Whatever you choose to do for your lifestyle, commit to it and you'll keep doing great!

Livin' La KETO Loca!!
134 lbs lost since surgery, 195 overall!! Initial goal reached 9/15/17, (10.5 months)!
5'3", SW*: 299 GW: 175 HW 3/2015: 360 PSW* 5/2016: 330 *PSW=Prog Start Wt; SW=Surgery Wt

M1 -31, M2 -10, M3 -15, M4 -16, M5 -8, M6 -6, M7 -11, M8 -8, M9 -8, M10 -4, M10.5 -7 GOAL

Amy R.
on 10/1/18 1:28 pm

mmmmmm. That butter though. I am all in on the Kerrygold. That's one change that will be permanent around here.
