What was (is) the worst thing/s about being overweight?

Kathy S.
on 8/8/18 2:43 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

I know, I know, me too And I surpassed shopping in a store early on and catalogs were my best friends. Thank you for sharing....

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 8/9/18 4:18 am, edited 8/8/18 9:18 pm - WEMBLEY, United Kingdom

For me, one of the things I dislike about being overweight is clothes don't look good on me.

For example, I am tummy heavy and so if I wear a t-shirt it has to be several sizes larger so that I feel comfortable and it hides the bulk which I dislike.

I also find that I sweat a lot more and that's another thing I dislike.

Plus everything I buy in terms of clothes has to be larger and even though I often see overweight men and women wearing skinny jeans and t-shirts etc

I personally don't feel comfortable wearing 'fashionable clothes' when I'm overweight because I feel uncomfortable and I don't think they suit me with the bulk on my body.

I think women can get away with it but when fat men do it I don't think it looks good but that's my own opinion and I'm glad for those who do like to wear fashionable clothes in spite of being overweight.

Maybe I just lack confidence...actually I do...my self-esteem tends to be low whether I'm overweight or slim.

Kathy S.
on 8/9/18 11:54 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

I am only 5'3" and bought tee shirts for tall so when I had to reach up at the grocery story no one could see my huge stomach hanging No issue now Thank you for sharing

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 8/9/18 6:37 am - TN
VSG on 09/28/15

For me I always felt like the 376 pound invisible woman, people didn't look at me when talking to me, people didn't make eye contact when passing in the hallway at work, people didn't usually open doors, etc. Being a small/"normal" size person now has made me really see how differently I get treated now when people say hello when passing and almost always open the door and all.

Also, shopping was a nightmare. I loved shoes and purses because I knew that I could always find those when I could never find cute clothes. Now I buy more clothes because I can always find my size.

The absolute worst thing though is feeling like I missed out on my kids when they were little. My baby was 12 when I had my surgery and so I was very obese through the years when they were all little and so I sat on the side lines so much because I couldn't run around the park or go roller skating or anything. Now I am very active and can do just about anything I want to and my kids are all grown (and my baby is 15 so almost grown) and they are off with their friends all the time and doing their own thing. I have two soon to be step-children that are young and we get to run around and play and all and so I am truly enjoying that but still wish I had been able to do that more with my kids too when they were young. For those that are doing this when your kids are little, make sure you make the most of it and enjoy the activities with your babies.

Had VSG on 9/28/15

Lost 161 lbs since surgery, LOST 221 lbs overall so far!!

Kathy S.
on 8/20/18 3:58 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Thank you for sharing and yes the one where we miss out with the kids due to our size breaks my heart. I too missed out but I tell myself I am going to make up for it with the Grand babies You can too

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130
