New Netflix Show Insatiable Accused Of Being Fatphobic
Some people post op WLS are so sensitive, than they see any difference of opinion, or words of critical comments regarding their diet or drinking habits - they see as an attack on them.
OH has a very good moderation. Next time - if you see someone's post or response as "bulling" report that to moderation. If they agree with you - they will pull the post or warn the person that they crossing boundaries ... But if they don't, then maybe, just maybe you are overreacting.
Also, as in a real life, we don't need to be loved by everyone. Some people see bulling when some of us chose to not respond to their posts. The want to get general "Atta girl /boy" and if they don't get that - they get upset and "feel removed" from "cool kids group".
Because they think everyone should be included. When my friends are having a party, and I am not invited, I don't cry or get tantrum because of that. This is life.
OH or real-life..
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
"Next time - iif you see someone's post or response as "bulling" report that to moderation"
Yes, definitely this and for a number of reasons.
Disagreement doesn't equal bullying. But in the heat of the moment it's easy to misinterpret another's posts and opinions. The mods have the benefit of being a step or two removed from emotions and if there is any question that someone is in bullying mode it's usually best to let them sort it out.
I personally don't care for the nanny-button option for the same reasons you'll never see me initiate a block. I don't disagree with a person's right to invoke it when they sense things have gotten out of hand though.
This forum has very clearly stated TOS and moderation. If you, or anyone else feel bullied, you can be sure that they will step in, as will I and others if we see it. I think OH gained a deserved reputation with surgery wars, but it's a much nicer, gentler place now.
As we can see in this thread, people can post some pretty alarming stuff about violence, but if it's not against TOS (just sensibilities) it will stand.
You should never feel reluctant to post. There's only one owner of OH, the rest of us are just guests at his behest!
Edit: everyone's posts are accessible and I would encourage reading people's posting history to get an idea of who they are. I welcome anyone to read mine and have a conversation if they'd like to know ANYTHING about me and do the same for anyone else on here! I certainly wouldn't rely on other peoples' opinions or revisionist history.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
I wonder the same thing, Amy.
I've noticed that some people right here at OH are bullies...and have actually driven newbies away, terribly hurt and mortified at the treatment they'd received. I've often wondered if it's because those bullies were victims of merciless bullies as fat kids and/or adults? I really don't understand why some people, after being tortured by bullies, will then turn around and bully others. And often, the emotional bullying is far more painful than physical bullying.
Even some surgeons have warned their patients to stay away from OH because of how some people treat others, claiming that they aren't being mean, they're just honest. That is such a hypocritical and disingenuous thing to claim after emotionally beating up on someone until they leave. What really shocks me is how sometimes a newbie is ganged up on by the bullies.
In my rose-colored world, being a victim of something so hurtful and cruel would make one more compassionate and empathetic to others.
In addition - some surgeons warn people about not going on OH, because they know yet we may call their recomendarecom as stupid. I.e s bunch of surgeons would tell you that tums are great source of calcium. Yes, not really.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
That is very likely too.
I'd seriously appreciate the names of these surgeons/accusers. They say anything they want and then retreat safely into their cloaks of anonymity. Similar to other bullies, they accuse and defame without the fear of any valid repercussion. Personally I'd not ever knowingly use a surgeon that spreads and participates in gossip and lies while not personally having enough of a backbone to publicly stand by their "advice".
As long as they are protected by those who won't name them, the cycle will continue.
Or maybe their reviews on OH are not the most positive, and they don't want their patients to know that?
I can name a could of docs in my area that are not nice, and really not that good. Yes - i had to deal with them and from personal experience, as well as from comments from people who also dealt with them - I know that their skills levels and attentions to details were lacking.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 7/27/18 9:03 am
There is a WORLD of difference between telling someone, "you're making poor choices and are unlikely to succeed if you continue like this," and ACTUAL bullying.
If this is your definition of bullying, I would suggest checking yourself. Ranting (elsewhere) online about those you disagree with, calling them "venomous and rapacious," isn't much better.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
That's the reason I left OH 6 years ago! When all I wanted was advice and support or to vent about what I was going through I instead got smart comments, ridiculed, or talked down to. I've only been back 27 days and things have been better but unfortunately it still happens and its sad because we should be building each other up not tearing each other down.
I'm sorry that happened to you Nikki. Hopefully you let the appropriate people know your reasons for leaving back then. People can change when they are given specific examples of their bad behavior. Unfortunately when someone just moves on (for whatever reasons) specific issues are left unaddressed.
Most people don't seem to intentionally run others off. If they do, it should be brought to not only their attention but also to the attention of mods.