Weighing Habits?
Until I broke the 90# lost, i weighed weekly.
If i did not trust the scale ..I either went by my Drs office to weigh in there and if it did not align with bathroom scale I replaced/reset the scale. When I want my weight I want mine, not the weight of clothes.. so would weigh and if not within what i thought was reasonable...would get dressed like was going to weigh at Drs office, and walk in to weigh..I made sure to have no intake between those weigh ins.
I am more than 2 decades post op. am within 15 lbs of orig goal. I weigh about every 6-8 weeks...at this point it is less about weight and more about health and stamina..and rebuilding muscles from everyday activities.
I'm the other way around, I only trust my scale at home, because when I weigh in it's first thing in the morning, minus clothes, for consistency. So doctor's office weight is usually a bit higher because I'm dressed and have eaten and drank.
It's a cheap digital glass scale too, nothing special. I have to move it every time because there's no place to keep it where it can be used, so I have to do a calibrate run (tap, let it zero and turn off) each time.
on 7/23/18 11:45 am
I weigh every day, unless I am on the road and can't. I weigh wearing the same things (underwear and glasses) so it is consistent. I have an old fashioned "doctor's office" scale with the sliding weights. Probably the biggest quirk I have in weighing is coffee. Coffee does a number on my bowels. So if I've had my allotted 32 oz of coffee and then it does its thing on me, I'll hop on the scale again, subtracting two pounds for the coffee. It usually doesn't make that much of a difference, but it is my quirk.
The people at the bariatric program have very expensive electronic scales. They are not properly calibrated by their own report, and two scales in the same room can give different readings by as much as five pounds. The one in the surgeon's office is purposely set to weigh three pounds lighter than actual, because someone decided that clothes weigh three pounds. Hah! If I am fully dressed in cool weather gear, with everything that goes in my pockets, on my belt, etc, that is an extra 11 pounds. My scale is mechanical, adjustable, and consistent. I trust it more than their expensive ones.
I am the exact same way. Today I went to my bariatic doctor and before I went to work I purposely chose the lightest clothes I could wear and still be within my dress code. Once I got there and paid my visit co-pay I took everything out of my pockets, removed my tie and belt, took off my watch and even my wedding ring. I even took off the lanyard i wear with my security badge for my office. And even though it irritates the medical assistants, I took off my shoes before weighing.
I weigh myself a few times a week usually (2-3), not set days right now, just kind of when I think about it--
Always first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything and down to my birthday suit.
I have a scale in my upstairs and downstairs bathrooms but the one upstairs is much older and kinder LOL...it's definitely not very accurate since it gives me a different weight every time I step on it even if I do it right away. it's usually about 8 lbs less than the one downstairs- I don't even know why we still have that one, honestly.
The one downstairs I always place on the same floor tile so it's perfectly flat and I will step on and off of it 2 or 3 times just to make sure it's right.
I forget to go downstairs to weigh myself in the morning before I get dressed a lot and that's the main reason I only do it a few times a week. haha--I don't want to strip off the clothes I just put on!

RNY 2/12/18
5'4 1/2" tall, HW : 315 lbs, Surgery Wt: 297lbs.
M1: -17.5lbs M2: -11.5lbs M3: -12lbs M4: -13lbs M5: -13lbs M6: -13.5lbs M7: -12lbs M8: -14lbs M9: -10.5lbs M10: -7.75lbs M11: -5.25lbs M12: -4lbs M13: -3lbs M14: -7lbs M15: -2lbs M16: -1lb **made it to goal!**
CW 148
I weigh daily as well. Wake up, wash face, moisturize while peeing (hahahaha!!) and then walk to scale naked. My little quirk is I always take a couple of deep breaths before hopping on. I am not sure why.
My scale uploads to my Fitbit tracker programme immediately, so I don't mess up the numbers, because I absolutely do that too.
I know many suggest not weighing daily, but to me, it's gratifying to see numbers change (it does fat % too - I know not totally accurate, but it's nice to see a steady drop). It's motivating. I don't get down when the loss stops or even goes up; I tell myself that it means I have some new muscle, and I pull out the measuring tapes instead :)
Also, it would be WAY too easy to blindly gain if I didn't weigh every day.

Goddess in training...
I have to hide the scale now because weighing daily just drives me crazy with the numbers. Now I weigh in every Sunday morning. I wake up, go to the bathroom, and strip naked lol. I'm always afraid different clothes will add different weight so I figure if I'm naked everytime it should be accurate. When I hit my goal weight again I will go back to weighing in daily.
Before my surgery, if I had to be weighed, I'd remove all my jewelry, shoes, and as much clothing as possible. Then, I'd exhale because all that air in my lungs weighed SOO much.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
on 7/23/18 8:04 am
I remember in the fat old days telling the nurse I needed to take off my key ring so I wouldn't weigh so much. Yeah. Like 1/2 lb of keys makes a difference at almost 500 lbs.