Vagus nerve

on 7/18/18 6:45 am

We are not docs. Go to your surgeon. Depending on your symptoms, an upper GI doc. Even if you find someone who went through this, you still need a professional to help you. Good luck. Sorry you're experiencing trouble.

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

on 7/18/18 7:07 am

Yes I understand. I've already been to my gi dr. He did an endoscopy and didn't see anything so he dismissed me. Thank you anyway!

on 7/18/18 1:10 pm

Sucky. That seems to be a recurrent theme here--certain docs not really listening to their patients.

HW: 260 - SW: 250

GW (Surgeon): 170 - GW (Me): 150

(deactivated member)
on 7/22/18 12:24 am
White Dove
on 7/16/18 6:03 pm - Warren, OH

A damaged vagus nerve will make you lose your appetite. That is why my surgeon cut mine. I think you scratched your throat.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 7/16/18 6:26 pm

Oh I have no appetite. I lost 10lbs. I'm 110 and I'm 5'5

on 7/17/18 2:10 am

Have you seen or contacted your doctor? What did they say? If you haven't then you should call them to find out how to proceed as we're not the best folks to diagnose this issue. Good luck.

on 7/17/18 7:46 pm

I have been to several drs with no answers. I just like to ask around to see if anyone has a similar story.

on 7/23/18 9:29 am - Cleveland, OH

I don't know about choking, but I know that yawning really large can pinch your vagus nerve and cause you to faint. I know this because it happened to my son when he was in college. He was sitting in class during a dreary afternoon when rain was moving in, and he couldn't stop yawning. He finally let loose with a really large yawn and suddenly slumped back in his chair, went into a short episode of jerky spasms, and then fell unconscious. The college email was called and they transported him to the hospital and called me to meet them there. It turns out that when the vagus nerve is pinched like that, it's similar to pushing a reset on a computer system. The nerve "shuts you down for a few moments" before your brain boots you back up again. Totally normal response. So, I could see where if this nerve was damaged in some way, it could cause some real problems down the road.

on 7/23/18 9:31 am - Cleveland, OH

Ems, not email lol
