
Could use some advice - raising a young (healthy) child

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/18 1:08 pm

I am sorry you are dealing with such a hard time right now. I am sure you are not a horrible person and you love your child.

So don't stress about them being like you. Showing your child that healthy eating is one thing she will model after you. Children do what we do not what we say.

Don't let the marriage define who you are. You will be okay. It may get worse before it gets better. Taking care of you and making yourself happy will show your daughter that self care is important.

Showing her also that you are going to school and juggling life will show her that anything is possible.

I am glad you are going to therapy. I am a big advocate for therapy. It was one of the best things I did for me. Not anyone else. They get the benefit of me not going into nutjob mode.

You will be okay. Just gotta keep telling yourself that also.

Coming here for support is a good thing. Sometimes what people say we can think they are being snotty. But they are not. They want us to succeed.

Take care

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/18 10:42 am, edited 7/17/18 3:43 am
VSG on 03/28/17

Here's what I do with my toddler:

Lots of meat, fish, vegetables, whole fruits, bone broth, eggs, dairy, fermented foods, and fats. Very limited grains/added sugar. No juice or soda. No limits on portion size but I try to minimize snacking. No TV. Lots of walks in the woods and lots of dancing/jumping around the house.

He doesn't know that he's being deprived of sugar and he loves trying new food.
