Gaining Weight...10 years post-op

on 7/17/18 9:41 pm

I am 23 years Post WLS, a surgery that is no longer done. I have reactive hypoglycemia, and was diagnosed 36 years ago. found with an initial blood sugar of 19. I had weight gain with a change in entire lifestyle which I was not in control of, including increased stress. and care giving for 1 -then 2 others in addition. My weight gain was 50 lbs. I am slowly getting it off...with increased activity daily and going back to my Protein. 90 grams/ less than 50 grams carbs.. I am 5'5" , on border between small and medium frame( have to buy a childs watch) currently around 175, have 15 morelbs to go to be back at goal...

Just know you are not alone. The first thing you have to do is follow the rules post surgery... drink water, searate meals. eat heavy protein very light on carbs.. the diabetic diet is too heavy on carbs... you must get them down and balance them...with your medication.add in as many veggies as you can.

Get back on the program and use your tool. make sure you eat the amounts your are supposed to eat..

... guessing your protein needs would be in 120-140 gram range, carbs as low as you can keep them and keep sugars stable.. 20-or so a meal@ most..( some diabetics are told to eat 45 grams of carbs per meal, and they WONDER why they gain weight. Its the diet.!)..10 for a snack if sugar drops with proteins/fats.

There is research being done on effective treatments for Diabetes type I, so do not despair.. one involves taking a vaccine for TB, and it works wih immune response and reactivates isles of langerhands in 2 years..

White Dove
on 8/3/18 3:05 pm - Warren, OH

At eleven years out, I live on a diet. I don't tell myself it is a lifestyle, I just call it what it is.
A low calorie diet. And I am on it for life, because if I go off of it I will gain weight.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 8/3/18 6:07 pm, edited 8/3/18 11:10 am

I also had my RNY in 2008 ... I was very disciplined for my first 7 and a half years ... no changes in weight, tracked what I ate, exercised 6 to 7 days a week, usually 7. Belonged to a gym at work and a gym on the weekends. At that time of my life I put myself first to get healthy. At about year 8 I ran into some large life changes that affected me and gave me a lot of anxiety. I was laid off a little more then a year ago got some equipment at home but let my exercise go. In 2 years I managed to gain 40 lbs. I found OH and lost 25 in a few months... I fell off track again a couple months ago and put 10 of that back on so was back to needing 25 off ( to reach my new goal of 10 lb from my lowest weight).

i joined weigh****chers yesterday and am thrilled with the new freestyle program. Check it out on you tube. It is a lot of protein and I loved the meeting and support. I should be exercising and will start that tomorrow. I went to my first meeting last night after having my first ever (routine) colonoscopy in the morning! So I gave myself a little pass on the exercise. I have done WW before but am Feeling confident this time it will work. We are worth it! How are you feeling? I know not easy... best to you.


(edited a word)

Beam me up Scottie
on 8/6/18 6:21 pm
I have a friend that is doing that program. I can't believe the changes that they have made. It seems to be so much easier than the old version!
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/18 6:27 pm

I am loving it!! I would recommend for anyone like me years out who is struggling with a little stubborn regain. Love the weigh****cher App as well!

Beam me up Scottie
on 8/6/18 6:11 pm
I would say statistically a majority of people that have had weight loss surgery have experienced some regain (it's very typical....dare I say normal). Even with the DS, I remember the "vets" telling newbies when I had surgery 10 to 20 percent bounce back is normal.

All the suggestions you have received are excellent. There is no "easy" way to take off regain. It's basically a need to go back to basics, diet, exercise...etc.

You may want to check in with your surgeon to see if he/she could offer you some advice.

on 8/18/18 3:50 pm

I am 18 1/2 years out and kept off 130 pounds until 5 years ago. I have regained 30 pounds by loosing sight of where I came from, and I slowly started eating the way I used to. I wouldn't hide that I had gastric bypass. On the contrary, I am very proud of where I came from and my journey but just lost sight for a while. I started back to the basics yesterday and will come to OH daily for my support. I am even going to look in to live support groups in my area. I wish you the best of luck. Try going back to eating the way you did after surgery for a few days and really remember where you came from. I know it has only been two days since I started eating the way my surgeon told me to but I can already tell a difference. Eating higher protein is really the key to keeping weight off and staying satisfied.
