Yellow poop?

on 6/26/18 1:57 pm
VSG on 07/09/18

Apologizes in advance for the TMI...

I'm 13 days into my pre-surgery diet (having surgery in 2 weeks). The first 4 days I was on Optifast, then switched to a real food plan, given to me by the dietician, because I seemed to have an allergic reaction to the whey in the Opti (bad sinus congestion with thick, almost swollen tongue).

For the past 9 days, per day I'm consuming about 750-900 calories, 40-50g carbs, 20-30g fat, and about 100g protein. I drink 8-10 cups water/day, usually with some Mio flavouring. Food consists mainly of Greek yogurt, chicken breast, cucumber, red peppers, Ryveta crackers, olive oil mayo, mustard, Torani SF syrup. I've had SF jello and natural peanut butter once or twice.

No stomach trouble to speak of. I've been pretty regular. There was a couple of days of more watery BM at the beginning, but nothing extreme. I'm not having any stomach pain.

I'm taking all my regular vitamins and supplements, including my regular probiotic.

My only problem is that my poop is yellow. It's been like this for least 10 days. Is this a normal reaction to the change in diet? Anyone else experience this?

Google tells me it could mean too much fat in my diet, but I'm eating low fat. Some places mention gut flora but I'm eating lots of yogurt and take probiotics. I'm wondering if it could be the artificial sweeteners in the Mio and Torani syrup?

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160

"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh

Shannon S.
on 6/26/18 4:53 pm
VSG on 11/07/17

It could mean a bum gallbladder, but I think you would have more gastric symptoms. Hard to tell really, but prolonged pale poop is usually related to gallbladder or liver (biliary system). Could also be drastic change in diet. Best to call your surgeon to get checked out.

on 6/26/18 6:39 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

that's not uncommon for a few weeks after surgery, but I haven't heard about it happening before surgery. Yea - you might want to check with your doctor.

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 6/29/18 10:17 am
VSG on 07/09/18

Thank you both. It seems to be improving a little, but I'm planning to ask a nurse at my bariatric centre week.

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160

"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh
