Tuesday NSV thread
on 6/6/18 3:54 pm - Amarillo, TX
It started with bad news today. I found out that my psych doctor is leaving the clinic I go to. I can't move to her private practice due to insurance and the help the clinic gives in paying for meds and treatment. I was so bummed! Then they wanted to put me back with a previous doctor that was not a fit for me. I used to get sick knowing I had to see him.
This all leads to this, I stood up for myself! I said I couldn't see him due to previous experiences. So I got the other only open doc. I hope she is ok but I am optimistic.
My meds were tweaked a bit and got some advice on how to deal with my night time depression and mood swings.
I also got positive comments from the staff at the clinic on how I looked. Even though I don't see it as much apparently i've lost some weight. LOL
I'm so glad you stood up for yourself with your clinic and can see that other doc. Bad psychiatrists are a special breed of terrible, aren't they?
With seeing our own weight loss, it took me losing about 80 lbs for the light bulb to go on, so to speak. Before that, I knew I'd lost the weight, but I still saw myself at my heaviest.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
on 6/6/18 4:17 pm - Windsor, Canada
I'm pre-op but working hard to prepare. I have two NSVs this week. The first one is small. There is a counter at work that runs by a desk. I have to walk between the two all the time. My first goal was to make it through the space without rubbing up against either one and I did that this week. Yay!
The second one was a bit more exciting to me. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday (specialist, unrelated to WLS). I'm usually super stressed leading up to any doctor's appointments because I anticipate getting criticism and disdain. Yesterday I didn't feel that at all. I was almost excited for it. I knew that my situation had improved and it was a result of my hard work. I am improving my health. The doctor was quite pleased and I saw him smile for the first time.
Love these threads.
I can now park in a city parking garage and can get in and out of my car. So many times I used to worry someone would park too close for me to be able to get in my car and happened a few times. Needed my thinner traveling companions to get in and back the car out for me. No more!