Low blood pressure

Julia S.
on 6/5/18 9:43 am - Beaverton, OR
RNY on 02/12/18

When I've lost weight in the past my blood pressure used to be 90/60 and I did have orthostatic hypotension. I just learned to not get up so fast, I know it's hard when you are working out but you just learn to not change elevation from lying down to standing very quickly. I'm not sure if it will go away, but I would definitely talk to your doctor about your eyes.

Let us know what happens. Take care of yourself.

5'5" Age 66 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 179.8

Melody P.
on 6/5/18 10:12 am - Amarillo, TX

Thanks for the replies everyone!

i talked to my eye doctors staff and they ran it by him. He said as long as there is no flashes of light it should be ok. I still see him at the end of this month for testing. Still a bit nervous over it but it's a wait and see game.


on 6/8/18 5:07 pm
VSG on 08/23/16

Even at my heaviest, if I was pissed off my BP was 110/70. I've been 90/60 most of my life. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Stand slowly and made sure you have your balance underneath you before you move. I'm down 117 pounds and still about 90/60.

Keep on losing!


HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)

on 6/11/18 12:28 pm

It did not go away for me til i boosted magnesium...(citrate in capsule)I would add Vitamin K2, it helps with regulation/utilization of magnesium,calcium, zinc and other minerals.

I would also add a good quality sea salt, and put a potassium salt of one- half serving a day,( 1/8th tsp) on something daily tomato juice/tomato product is what i put mine on/in.

My blood pressure runs low and heart rate has dropped significantly. Using this regimine has stopped the dizziness episodes. You need to be evaluated for anemia profile as well when see main Physician, who ever that is for you.

For eyes... Bilberry 1200, astaxanthin 5-10 mg and lutein 20-40 mg is what my DH uses to assist his eyes because of chronic eye/vision condition. Coconut oil can also help with delivery of these.. so a diet with it consumed near the ingestion of these seems to be helping him.

on 6/11/18 12:29 pm

I forgot to add , increase hydration...

Valerie G.
on 6/16/18 7:11 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

I have naturally low BP, and after my DS I got low sodium levels that made it dip even lower and I was suffering the same thing you are. Doc said first to just throw out that whole "don't salt too much" idea out the window and see what happens. Now I salt my food shamelessly and I no longer have the dizzy spells.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
