Arrggghhhh! I hate the pre-op diet.
on 5/29/18 5:10 pm
Just started my two-week pre-op diet today. I don't know how I'll be able to concentrate at work with so few calories! Yes, I know I'll be eating less for a while after surgery, but I'll be on medical leave then.
I had cut my diet soda consumption to one per week, in anticipation of the fact that I'll need to give them up after surgery. But I think I'll need plenty of diet coke to get through the next two weeks.
Grats on your journey! I would advise forgetting diet soda for good, start it early. I quit soda cold turkey pretty much once I got approved for my surgery. I cut out all carbonation really, except a couple days ago I tried Bubbly, I didn't make it through half of a can. The carbonation was too much, made me so uncomfortable and I'm 14 months post-op.
Yes, optifast sucks, but 2 weeks isn't that long, you can do it!
With regards to the diet coke.... to be honest, I'd cut it out now (even if allowed) because adding caffeine (and probably aspartame) withdrawal to the immediate post-op 'suffering' is not something I would have wanted in a million years.
Good luck! You can do this!

Goddess in training...
I would for sure give up the soda before hand!! The first time I quit drinking soda it was pretty hard, I did the "one a week" thing and then I used apple juice to give it up completely. I would drink a glass of apple juice and then after a week or so, sometimes more sometimes less, I would dilute it with water. So like at first 3 parts juice, 1 par****er. Then half-n-half, then 3 parts water, 1 part juice.... and slowly less and less juice till I was satisfied with jus****er. I know it might not work for everyone (especially if you don't like apple juice lol) but it's just an idea.
Clear American (a Wal-Mart brand, I think) makes cans and bottles of 0 calorie flavored waters. Their "Key Lime" tastes just like sprite to me. Could also be worth a shot.
I don't even have a surgery date yet and I've already quit (for the second time, so I know it's easy to fall off the wagon lol). Good luck!