never mind- I found it!! :) 12 years post- op!
I just found my old profile! I am so glad it is still there. While I am here I may as well say hello....I am 12 years post-op RNY and doing great. I wanted to look back at my old entries because my daughter is currently starting the process and has been asking me questions and my memory is a little foggy so I know these old posts will jog a lot of it. I will tell you one story as to how I am doing: I went into surgery at about 256- tho I weighed more than that at one time- I had lost some weight in the weeks leading up to my date. At my one year check up I was down to 170 and so happy and feeling and looking great. Over the years I remained compliant and at one point found myself weighing in the 150's for awhile.....I liked being in that range.......and actually found myself getting as low as 140 for a short time. That was actually too thin for me- looking back I can see I didn't even look good, but I thought I did at the time! Bad habits started to creep in tho...lots of grazing on simple carbs had the pounds coming back on.....150's/ then 160's....and getting higher. I was beginning to panic. I hadn't seen my bariatric surgeon in years so I made an appointment for my 12 year follow up...feeling like a total failure- hoping that maybe seeing her would help me get back on track.
I weighed in- at my 12 year check up- at 170. ugh... The same weight I was at my one year check up. This time feeling like a failure- when 11 years earlier I felt like such a success. My doctor, however, was thrilled! She thought I was doing great and that I was the same weight as I was at my one year post op was wonderful. I guess she doesn't see that too often in patients so far out from surgery. I may have felt like I was heavier than I wanted to be but I had still kept off 70% of my excess weight- which labeled me a success with the surgery. I left there feeling SOOO much better about myself- and how quickly I saw that it was all in my perspective. Had you told me at my one year check up- that 11 years later- I would still be the same weight and wearing the same size clothes, weighing the same amount- I would have been psyched! It totally changed my outlook! Since that day I have been eating so much healthier, drinking lots more water, taking my vitamins, etc..and am down about 12 lbs. I just feel better about myself. I'm back to remembering that the surgery was one of the best things I ever did for myself and my health. :)
It is so easy to slip up.
I got too thin last year and dealt with some gut issues. Once I got them cleared and decided to gain 10-15 lbs, I lost control over my eating. I gained 25 lbs in just a few short months.
I did not want to go on a strict diet because I knew I was going to have hernia surgery. I often lose weight as I recover from any surgery, so the extra 10 lbs are useful. The surgery was yesterday, and knowing that I have enough reserves- I don't need to force feed myself, and my body has enough stored "fat and proteins" to use for healing.
I still make sure I get vitamins, minerals and min of 80-100 great of proteins. The rest - I have reserves.
Knowing that I have my tool - RNY- and that when I use it correctly- eat proteins and some fat - I can lose the 10 lbs regain in just a couple of months, is a blessing.
I just need to stay away from most carbs.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I am close to 10 years out.
Where to start? Every meal. First few days may be hard. But if you can manage 4 full days - it is almost guarantee the 5th will be much better.
- Make sure you have good food at home: that means proteins. Dense proteins. IMO - homemade or store bought minimally processed like baked chicken, baked turkey, other meats with nomor very very little sugar in them (a lot if jerky has a lot of sugar). Don't forget eggs. HB eggs are great as a snack and they are not that expensive.
- 3 meals plus up to 2 snacks if you need snack. Chose protein and some non starchy veggies for meals, dense proteins for snacks.
- First week I don't limit qty beyond how much my pouch can take. But I am very strict what I eat
What i have in my house :
- baked- grilled chicken, pork or beef. Fish, including canned tuna, smoked salmon, etc. Also eggs.
- Having veriaty of different proteins is important.
- Veggies: Non sugar added pickles like dill pickkes, or olives. Cucumbers, celery, and avocado. A lot of people like broccoli or cauliflower, or cabbage, lettuce but my body does not tolerate that.
- Water and other no calorie drinks that I like do I can drink at least 100 oz or water per day. For me it can be good coffee, black and green tea, herbal tea and other flavors.
- When it is not time for a meal but I feel hungry - I drink at least 20 oz of liquid to make sure I was not thirsty. Often - that can delay my eating to the time of my scheduled meal.
- Eat slowly. Taste the foods. In the first few days eat as much dense proteins as you need to not be hungry. But eat slowly. Often it take 10-20 min for our head to catch up to our body being full. I often eat pre-tax measured portion, then wait 10-15 min, and if I still feel hungry - I eat more dense proteins.
- Don't drink for at least 30 min after you are.
Take a shower in evening when you feel like snacking. Drink more water. Nice cup of flavored weak green tea is my to go drink.
If you have foods at home that you should not eat - i.e pretzels, chips, ice cream, bread- and you have problem not eating that - if you can - give it away or throw it away. If you can't make yourself do it - wrap it in 3 layers and put it either on top of your shelves, or somewhere you would need to make and effort to get to. Out of sights-out-of-mind.
I.e - we have chocolate at home - but most of it is in a one cabinet. Plus - since I gave myself a permission to eat as much chocolate as I want as long as it is at least 85% Cocoa, I no longer really crave it, and if I do - I get a small square and eat it.
Initially- start simple - minimally processed meats, eggs and fish with just a few low carb veggies and good fat (butter, avocado, coconut, olives)
Eddited to add:
BTW: if I slip and have a meal that was not on my plan, I correct it the very next meal. I don't try to make excuses:" I already slipped today, I start tomorrow". I start the very next meal.
No alcohol. Of any kind. Alcohol changes how our body process food. I always get cravings for carbs when I have a drink or 2.
Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals. Going on a low carb diet can make a person constipated. I use magnesium and enough miralax to make sure I get good BM every day. Complete BM. We can have daily BM and be constipated- "full of ****" (I've been there myself).
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Thanks H.A.L.A. I know you're a veteran of this forum and to hear from you carries a lot of "weight" -pun intended : ) I have't been on forum in quite awhile and have gained 20 lbs from my lowest weight and like you I'm not going to make any excuses-we gotta keep ourselves accountable. I stopped using all the tools and provisions that were given to me. I stop logging in my food. I stopped activity to include exercise, and I stopped coming to this forum which helped me with my most important tool - and that is my mindset.
What you said about messing up and then correcting it immediately at the NEXT meal is very valuable because many of us either feel guilt and figure we may as well pig out or we wait until the following Monday.
I'm convinced that if I would of just come online to this forum if only to peruse others comments, issues and situations I would of remained somewhat on track. Anyway, I am going back to eating more low-carb and ketonic and I also started walking again and I'm logging in on MFP app. It wasn't that I ate a lot of food but I did eat a LOT of the WRONG food and just did not have a plan, and like most-just allowed life to get in my way.
Let's be honest, for most of us our default is incorrect eating, inactivity and lack of discipline and self-control. For this plan to work we have to come out of our comfort zone and utilize the tools we were given-including the Vets on this forum. We have to reset and change the values to our default-and realize our biggest tool are ourselves. Thank you.
I was just talking to a lady on FB that is having problems with her LB so I thought I'd see if I could still log in here....guess I can lol (password was still saved in my PC). I had LapBand (2005)converted to VSG in 2010....back at my pre surgery weight within a few years. Just started Keto in Dec of last year and I'm down 35lbs... Its so weird to see how much has changed here in 8 years.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle