Lapband removal
I had lap band removal 12 Year?s ago and it was the best thing I could of done. I had major complications, and it was emergent surgery (a little different than your situation). I was very apprehensive towards more surgery, but now feeling like the VSG was the right move. Wish I would have done it sooner! Awesome, awesome surgery! I feel completely normal. I just eat way less. The restriction isn?t agony like the band was for me, and it is preventable by eating the correct portions, whereas no matter how little I ate, or how much I chewed with the band I had pain.
edited: typos

on 4/19/18 5:10 am
I am also considering a revision, but I will revise to Bypass if approved. I have an appointment with a surgeon next month to discuss this. I am choosing the Bypass because if I could of lost my weight with just restrictive and good food choices, I wouldn't be considering this 8 yrs later. I want to lose all of this extra weight, and comorbidities that I have accumulated over the years.
And you're not going to know what to do if you don't get solid information that is specific to you. The nervousness probably will begin to evaporate when you do more than "think[ing] about this."
"To my knowledge, my band and port are in tact and fine" implies that it's been donkey's years since you've seen your surgeon. If I'm correct, it's past time for an esophagram and an exam and discussion with the surgeon. You'd be wise to describe fully the hiccups (what triggers them, how long they last) and the pain in the port area when you exercise and even when moving in ordinary ways. For all you know, something unrelated to the band may be going on. There's only one way to find out.
If, by asking, "I feel like removal is inevitable though. Am I right?," you're thinking in terms of the condition, safety and/or efficacy of your band, no one here is qualified to answer. If you're asking if the band is right for you, if is for you to answer.
Gwen M. suggested that you think about why you haven't already been losing weight "the hard way." Excellent suggestion. Before you run off for revision surgery, figure out whether you really want to lose weight -- enough to do the work to lose and then maintain. Pencil and paper are a great help. It's also important to know that there is no magic: Even VSG and sleeve people can regain and many do.
I had my band for 9 years and went to Mexico 5 weeks ago and had it removed and a sleeve done in the same happy to have had it done and extremely happy with the results so far.....Let me know if you want any more info as I would highly recommend the services of my surgeon....absolutely top notch!
This may sound weird, but it's actually nice to hear other people having the same problems as me! I had my band put in 10 years ago and it never really worked right. I would have a fill, lose a few pounds, get sick, and have to be emptied. By 2012, I was vomiting every time I ate but I was losing weight, so I didn't do anything. Big mistake!! I was diagnosed with severe malnutrition and dehydration. Apparently, my stomach was prolapsing over the band causing a pouch which created all the problems. Every time I had a fill, this would happen. I had the band emptied in 2013 and have lived fairly normal. I, too, still have issues with eating on a daily basis. The past year I have had pain at the port when exercising and anytime I tighten my abdominal muscles. Getting out of bed was painful!! So I went to a Dr who didn't blow off my concerns and now I'm having this damn thing removed!!
I'm scheduled for a removal to RNY on May 25!! I am nervous but excited. Reading all the posts have put me at ease. I live in Spain and the surgeons here in the EU stopped doing Lapbands in 2005! 3 years before I had mine!!! They realized back then that it was not a good device. I don't understand why the USA is still offering the procedure.
Anyways, I appreciate all the honesty on these forums and look forward to my next chapter!!
Banded in 205 - revised to VSG 2010 in a single surgery. I would recommend having the band removed and healing before revising. My sleeve is so large that it has never ever been a tool for me. Back to my pre surgery weight by 2015. I started living Keto in Dec of 2017 and I've lost 35lbs since then.
Oh and 8 years post port removal and I still have horrible charlie horses/spasms in my port location when I bend over....all that scar tissue just twists and pulls...its horrible.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle