Do you UNDERSTAND what happens when you bully?
Posters disappear. They don't want to suffer your cruel responses . So probably they miss out on a lot of sympathetic and empathetic ones ... due to your cruelty and meanness.
Oh for God's sake Ava.
Do YOU understand what happens when you spew mis-information? Newbies read it as fact and either don't lose as much weight as they could and/or re-gain. Oh and if it's really bad information - along the lines of life is boring without drinking alcoholic beverages - people die.
Most of us wouldn't bother responding to as much of your nonsense if we weren't so concerned about others reading taking it as truth.
If you're referring to your latest threads, kindly post a link to the post(s) that you feel were "bullying". Give the poster an option to make that clarification.
on 3/20/18 2:49 pm
Please provide a direct link to a thread anywhere on OH within the past week where someone has been "cruel," "mean," or a "bully."
Comments saying "this information is factually incorrect" or "I am worried about you, please seek help" do NOT count.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 3/20/18 3:00 pm, edited 3/20/18 8:00 am - WI
Nobody bullied you. You advocate for illegal drug use, excess alcohol consumption, and casual sex to cure boredom to people on this site that have addictive personality disorders. You suggest foods and recipes that can stop weight loss and can create hypoglycemic episodes. All of these things are a danger to members who might read your posts and think it's ok. When I see dangerous advice I try to correct it. That is not the same as bullying.
You have been posting here for years and your behavior is worrisome. I truly fear for your mental and physical health. You admit to thinking about suicide. Please get help!
I do not advocate for illegal drug use ( your children do ... by using them ) . I just don't drink the kool-aid especially the trendy nonsense that as long as you don't eat "carbs" you'll be healthy and lose fat. Non carb eating Americans are FIRST to die.from kidney failure..or other essential organ failures and they're also fatter than their fellow normal ( carb) eaters.
on 3/23/18 6:06 am, edited 3/22/18 11:07 pm - WI
I've been eating low carb for 8 years and my kidneys work perfectly. My kids are grown and NONE of them used drugs.
Here are just a few of the many posts you've made through the years about drugs and alcohol.
"I was introduced to quaaludes Vicodin Percocet oxycodone and smoked cocaine and heroin way before 15 years old. Not to mention incredibly strong laced or not marijuana, alcohol of all varieties... and many of my classmates were actively already smoking and maybe even injecting heroin routinely even in (private and exclusive )middle school. now here's where the generational differences come out. I would say NONE of my peers or myself think ANY of you are straight " clean" and sober ... simply because most of us (as teenagers) have attended 12 step groups that concluded in a bar or diner ... the hypocrisy of addicts taking " prescribed" mood altering drugs to feel ok.. not depressed and suicidal or just to sleep every night is not lost on us.
Most of us would rather have fun with drugs and alcohol than beat ourselves silly attend time wasting revivalist meetings and still live daily dependent on prescription drugs lol!!!"
"I tried sobriety for 11 months following my divorce. HATED it!!!!!for me, life is too short to waste sober lol . I like to have fun ! "
"I didn't want to give up drinking though- I tried living sober for eleven excruciating months and discovered it truly wasn't for me. I found having no relaxation outlet profoundly depressing not work and productivity conducive and just not joyful."
"I'm from the generation to FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO PAAARTY . An Un- Fun life is NO LIFE as far as I'm concerned and anyone who demands such a thing of me or judges me when they've never been asked their opinion just not coming from a compassionate or supportive place."
"Day drinking ( I'm not working or driving today and doing Tax appeals which I HATE) 4 glasses red wine 1/2 glass trop 50 4 glasses diet soda wine - 85 a glass carbs 3 per glass plus oj
126 a cup / 15 carbs So total till noon- 318 in drink ( make that 600 because I had almond silk and almost a quart of fat free milk powder in 4 chai tea lattes this morning.
(being rigorously honest now .. please don't get on my case . ) I drink at least this much every day just rarely out in public because I can get drunk too fast. But I always ingest this many calories in the evening after working. )"
Here is an example of diet advice from you.
"Around 2 pm normally I'll eat a salad with fat free dressing. The other day it was coleslaw ... yesterday I had a big bowl of mesclun and baby spinach with a cup of quinoa shredded carrots half and half an avocado . Sometimes I'll have it with fat free feta Fat free blue cheese dressing pickles olives and stuffed grape leaves. Sometimes I make Tabouleh with cracked wheat and pArsley orange juice orange and tomato pieces.
This is usually under 400 calories including dressing but bulky. Carbs ? 30 grams or so for the grains and dressing.
Today I made a pot of fat free commercial julienne potatoes with 2 cups of baby carrots added and one cup fat free milk. So far I've eaten two servings ( 230 calories each ) and half a chicken kebab. The entire carb load for the potatoes is 130 . No more wine or lattes so far.
I can see why you say my carb count may be the problem especially if I drink more ... hmmm ."
on 3/23/18 7:48 am
I would love to see evidence backing up any of the claims that:
- Reduction in carb intake does not benefit health
- Americans who do not eat carbs weigh more than their carb-eating counterparts
- People on a carb-restricted diet are more prone to organ failure

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I've seen you bully people. You often hurl cruel replies at people. Not 2 or 3 days ago you were downright offensive toward an extremely nice young woman.
People in glass houses . . .
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
I've seen you bully people. You often hurl cruel replies at people. Not 2 or 3 days ago you were downright offensive toward an extremely nice young woman.
People in glass houses . . .
And those with the log in their eye cannot see beyond it.
Open RNY May 7