Drugs, addiction to excess food and the new generation

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/18 5:11 am

I've realized for a long time that im talking to my grandmothers and maybe possible mothers here. Most of these so called " generational differences" hardly matter ... but in the realm of drugs illegal and legal they very much do.

I was introduced to quaaludes Vicodin Percocet oxycodone and smoked cocaine and heroin way before 15 years old. Not to mention incredibly strong laced or not marijuana, alcohol of all varieties... and many of my classmates were actively already smoking and maybe even injecting heroin routinely even in (private and exclusive )middle school

now here's where the generational differences come out. I would say NONE of my peers or myself think ANY of you are straight " clean" and sober ... simply because most of us (as teenagers) have attended 12 step groups that concluded in a bar or diner ... the hypocrisy of addicts taking " prescribed" mood altering drugs to feel ok.. not depressed and suicidal or just to sleep every night is not lost on us.

Most of us would rather have fun with drugs and alcohol than beat ourselves silly attend time wasting revivalist meetings and still live daily dependent on prescription drugs lol!!! Which is what we see YOU do.

To us excess food is also a drug .. with far worse consequences ( FAT!) social ostracism.. bullying.

So now we have entire generations lying to each other and a country horribly dependent and financially bleeding out due to recreational drugs being illegalized .

How can we fix this ? As lifelong extra food addicts we come from a position of early dependence and longstanding addictions..

on 3/18/18 5:24 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 18, 2018 at 12:11 PM Pacific Time, quutgrrl wrote:

I've realized for a long time that im talking to my grandmothers and maybe possible mothers here. Most of these so called " generational differences" hardly matter ... but in the realm of drugs illegal and legal they very much do.

I was introduced to quaaludes Vicodin Percocet oxycodone and smoked cocaine and heroin way before 15 years old. Not to mention incredibly strong laced or not marijuana, alcohol of all varieties... and many of my classmates were actively already smoking and maybe even injecting heroin routinely even in (private and exclusive )middle school

now here's where the generational differences come out. I would say NONE of my peers or myself think ANY of you are straight " clean" and sober ... simply because most of us (as teenagers) have attended 12 step groups that concluded in a bar or diner ... the hypocrisy of addicts taking " prescribed" mood altering drugs to feel ok.. not depressed and suicidal or just to sleep every night is not lost on us.

Most of us would rather have fun with drugs and alcohol than beat ourselves silly attend time wasting revivalist meetings and still live daily dependent on prescription drugs lol!!! Which is what we see YOU do.

To us excess food is also a drug .. with far worse consequences ( FAT!) social ostracism.. bullying.

So now we have entire generations lying to each other and a country horribly dependent and financially bleeding out due to recreational drugs being illegalized .

How can we fix this ? As lifelong extra food addicts we come from a position of early dependence and longstanding addictions..

Ava,many of us ARE your peers. You are 50 years old,at least, if you are a day old.




H.A.L.A B.
on 3/18/18 7:24 am

Please get help.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/18 7:37 am

Cmon grrlz ... you hav Absolutely no idea who i am. For all you know im an extremely successful (young) celebrity.

MaryEllen OntheEastCoast
on 3/18/18 8:10 am - CT

No Ava - we know who and what you are.

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/18 2:03 pm

Hi Mary Ellen, just noticed your in CT where are you? I have not found many from CT here and yet to find a good physical outside support meeting. I am in the Danbury area.


Happiness (megan)

MaryEllen OntheEastCoast
on 3/18/18 2:17 pm - CT

I'm in Milford. There are groups in New Haven but I realize that would be a trek for you. Maybe Stamford?

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/18 2:22 pm

Thanks. Stamford and New Haven both about an hour...

(deactivated member)
on 3/20/18 2:57 pm
(deactivated member)
on 3/20/18 3:44 pm

Good support there? Thanks.
