Chat room

on 2/19/18 3:50 pm - Alexander City, AL

What happened to our chat room? I'm an old timer RNY and back in 2009 the chat room was going really strong. Miss hearing from everyone. We were a support for each other. Any thought of if ever coming back? Also does anyone know anything about Dr. Bryan Freeman from Anniston, Al? He did my surgery and I had heard he had some health issues...just checking..I've done really well since my surgery. Going on 9 years this August. Not regretted it at all, so thankful I did it.

on 2/19/18 4:04 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 19, 2018 at 11:50 PM Pacific Time, LMyers1020 wrote:

What happened to our chat room? I'm an old timer RNY and back in 2009 the chat room was going really strong. Miss hearing from everyone. We were a support for each other. Any thought of if ever coming back? Also does anyone know anything about Dr. Bryan Freeman from Anniston, Al? He did my surgery and I had heard he had some health issues...just checking..I've done really well since my surgery. Going on 9 years this August. Not regretted it at all, so thankful I did it.

if you got so much support from the chat room why didn't you stick around?




on 2/19/18 4:09 pm - Alexander City, AL

Well Holly, I did stay for as long as it was on. One day it was taken down. I have asked over the years about it. Your response sounds as though you are being nasty, sorry you are having a bad day.

on 2/19/18 4:12 pm - Alexander City, AL

Also I'm still in contact with some of the original people through other venues.

on 2/19/18 4:15 pm, edited 2/19/18 8:18 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 20, 2018 at 12:09 AM Pacific Time, LMyers1020 wrote:

Well Holly, I did stay for as long as it was on. One day it was taken down. I have asked over the years about it. Your response sounds as though you are being nasty, sorry you are having a bad day.

I am having a great day, thanks.if you stayed till it was taken down then you should LNOW it was taken down and shouldn?t have to ask what happened to it.

I am am just going on the information you provided.

edited to add

i see one post in your posting history from 2011 asking about the chat room and you were told it was back up.




on 2/19/18 4:26 pm - Alexander City, AL

It never went back up. I have been on and still participate on this forum. I might not post as much because I have no questions since I have had no questions or problems and so far been successful at keeping my weight off. I was just thinking of some of the others that I have heard nothing from.

on 2/19/18 4:31 pm - Alexander City, AL

By the way you do not know how many times I have checked to see if it ever came back up. I glad you are having a great day but by your post my impression is that you are angry. It looked as though you were attacking me for asking a simple question.

(deactivated member)
on 2/19/18 4:47 pm
VSG on 03/28/17

She's just always like that.

on 2/19/18 4:52 pm - Alexander City, AL

Thanks... I was I though I was asking a benign question.....

on 2/19/18 5:01 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 20, 2018 at 12:47 AM Pacific Time, Mahonia R. wrote:

She's just always like that.




