Lyds85 - is your surgery still set for tomorrow? And did the docs decide which one?

Amy R.
on 2/19/18 9:41 am


You caught a lot or our attention and concern here last week when you found out by vm that your surgeon was switching you to VSG when you had expected to have RnY. Do you have any updates?

I think you had said your surgery date was 2/20, which would be tomorrow. If you have time and energy please give us an update.

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/18 5:47 am

I'm guessing she's in the operating room .

Amy R.
on 2/20/18 9:59 am

I imagine so.

I posted this a day or so ago hoping to maybe catching her prior. As she heals maybe she'll come over and update. There had been some concern based upon her understanding of which surgery she would be undergoing today. Praying she has a quick recovery to a successful procedure.
