
Mary K.
on 1/9/18 8:04 am


Thank you so much, yes, your help and Connies book have helped me get a good start. I am basically tracking, trying to ride the bike and move more, and my husband is doing it with me, which is the most help of all. We even do our weigh ins together and measured our bellies lol. I appreciate that he doesn't judge that my weight is more than his.

I lost just a little over 2lbs this past week, and he lost of course like 5lbs. I have not totally given up sugar. I am also doing work with prayer, meditation, and self-hypnosis. Something has gotta work lol.

I appreciate your support and everyone I have met here so far. I will check out the menu pages as well. I have to work around my family who can be picky eaters...but we will see.

Thanks again,

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
Do or Do Not, There is no TRY. - Yoda

RNY- 2/2008- Before Surgery-336-Lowest Weight- 248 Current Weight (w regain) 284.4 GOAL->200

Gina 22 years out
on 1/9/18 10:48 am - Burleson, TX

You are obviously a MUCH nicer person, than me. When I did the cooking, it was to MY desires. I added things, for THEM, that I didn't eat, but if they stuck their noses up, I handed them an empty spoon, and pointed to dirt piles, outside. Suddenly, my cooking became DELICIOUS :)

CONGRATS on the 2 pounds!!! You are NOT NOT NOT NOT in competition, with your DH!!! You are only in competition with YOURSELF. Boys nearly always lose faster. Unfair fact of life! AND - his belly may or may not shrink differently. I HOPE y'all are not "built" the same!

You spoke of having trouble drinking water. Plain water turns my guts. Even if all I have is a packet of Splenda in it, I have to have SOMETHING, to flavor it up. It has to do with the pH, of the water vs the pH, of our guts. Peeps here have explained it here, much better than I can. I'm not THAT kind of smart nurse!

Every movement you make/every mile you bike is one more movement in the RIGHT direction!!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Mary K.
on 1/9/18 6:40 pm


Thanks so much for your support and energy! It is contagious :-) I am glad I'm not the only one with the weird thing abou****er. I do find if I drink it filtered in the Brita pitcher it is a bit better than straight from the tap. I am going to try those nectar protein drinks again...see if they are any good. I haven't done many protein drinks since the beginning because you get so sick of them. I do like the Pure Protein powder I got on Amazon, and I am using the Caramel Premier one you recommended in my coffee.

Hubby and I are definitely built differently lol...but get this, he swears he's a 38...because he wears his shorts below the gut like most guys. When I measured that evil middle roll above my belly button it was 47", and when he measured his gut at the belly button...drum roll...47" lol. So we are both trying to get that number down...we know the fat in the middle is the killer.

Thanks again and I appreciate all the feedback.

Mary K.

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
Do or Do Not, There is no TRY. - Yoda

RNY- 2/2008- Before Surgery-336-Lowest Weight- 248 Current Weight (w regain) 284.4 GOAL->200

Laura in Texas
on 1/10/18 6:00 am

Keep up the good work!!

My bf is the same with pants and his weight around the I worry about his health a lot so I want him to get his waist measurement down. An easy rule of thumb I have seen is that we need our waists to be less than half our height.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Mary K.
on 1/18/18 1:16 pm

I'd never heard that tip about the waist being half of the my goal will be 36". Hubby is a few inches shorter than me, but I guess our goal will be able to share pants hahaha.

Thanks again,

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
Do or Do Not, There is no TRY. - Yoda

RNY- 2/2008- Before Surgery-336-Lowest Weight- 248 Current Weight (w regain) 284.4 GOAL->200

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