Low ferritin

on 12/15/17 2:10 pm
RNY on 12/21/16

This week I hadn't one year follow up. I just went in line to check my blood results and my Ferritin is at 16 which is considered low. Here is my history:

3/3/17: 49 ug/L

5/26/17: 24 ug/L

12/13/17: 16 ug/L

all my other levels are stable and good, just Ferritin is low. What do I do now? How bad is this and what is the best way to get my levels up?

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 12/15/17 2:36 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

Are you currently taking an iron supplement?

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 12/15/17 2:57 pm
RNY on 12/21/16

I take my multi and iron&C through patches

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 12/15/17 2:59 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

Some people do not absorb things well with the patches-- it seems about 50/50 here on the boards, from people who've tried them. You may need to switch to oral iron.

Some people need infusions when their ferritin gets that low, or use other strategies. I'd suggest seeing if you can get a referral to a hematologist for a recommendation.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 12/19/17 12:20 am

There are two or three Iron supplements that contain everything needed to absorb IRON.. One is a prescription called FOLTRIN,( a standard capsule, Maybe "0" size... it is now available in generic... costs about 1$ a day/last time I bought. Walgreens has one as well, but it is huge and difficult for me to swallow.

Another option is to take pills of dessicated liver. This is an OTC option. I have used carlson labs calf and Buffalo calf liver, they are grass fed, no hormones, no meds..Daily dose is 6 capsules. Last time i bought was about 50$ /mo. I have/use alternate supply now...of similar product/from farm raised.

Should also be taking a B complex SUBLINGUAL, to build iron..has the supports in it to absorb

Liver is the one food that Internist, who found my critical anemia,(Blood count was so low would not tell me how low it was , even after I had received 2 units of PRBc's,...to bring blood, HGB up to 8.9.).. told me " Liver is the perfect food". It has everything needed to absorb iron, including the intrinsic factor which I no longer have/make in my intestine.

When I ate 2 ounces of liver 2 times a day/6 days wk...my blood built from HGB of 8.9 to 10.2 over 6 weeks... so eating /taking liver gets me there, but hard to eat liver 12x a week., even in 2 oz portions... Much easier to take dessicated liver.

White Dove
on 12/15/17 6:20 pm - Warren, OH

I don't absorb with pills or patches. I get infusion when needed.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/15/17 8:45 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Ask your Dr for a referral to a hematologist and ask about injectafer infusions (2 bags, 30 minutes each, 1 week apart, great stuff will get you back up quick) but you might not be covered for infusions yet (and they are $$$$) usually, low ferritin is below 10 so insurance might scoff at covering them at 16 (sucks I know) but see if your hemo Dr can push for them as medically needed.

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 12/16/17 9:31 pm

I am facing the same situation... all my numbers have been good except my ferritin level. In July my level was a 11 and a couple of days ago, my results are at a 5. I take BA multi-vitamin with iron, and 1 proferrin / day. My doctor now wants me to take 2 proferrin a day along with 2 Feosol Carbonyl per day. I am concerned this wont be enough to get things moving. Honestly, I am tired of being tired and not having the energy to do things. She wants me to start this new regimen and get tested again in 2mos... I really dont want to wait another 2mos... thanks for letting me vent with your post.

on 12/19/17 12:43 am

The FeSol just cramped me unable to absorb.....gas and Tennessee quickstep.

You have other options besides just venting...

You might want to try the dessicated liver capsules.They do work , but slowly... . infusions should get you there quicker, and if ferratin is 5 ,that is well below the level of being low @ 10.. would do everything in power to get them.

If insurance is not an issue, nor co pay,I would see a hematologist.ASAP.. ie...another DR.

I have no insurance ,so infusions are not an option for me.

I have been using liver dessicated to my intestinal tolerance for 6 months straight, and am finally getting my energy back up.. Did not test to see how low it was,(need to go to Dr for that) but gums and inside of mouth was very pale pink. No longer dizzy,.when I sit up or stand..I was ignoring my health needs while giving total care to others.No time.

These very low blood counts are nothing to be playing with, and your doctor is doing experimentation on you....as in....' lets see if you respond to this ,or will you die first....lets give it 2 months to see how low it can drop'.

on 12/20/17 8:43 pm - Bay Area, CA

If your numbers keep dropping you most definitely need infusions, my ferritin got to a low 2 and no supplement helped me raise that number, I tried it all and just didn't absorb via food or pills,

do not wait! ask your doctor for a referral

good luck!
