Being put under
I don't remember a whole lot about it. I was asleep the whole time.
They set me up with an IV and put something in it. My husband says that's when the party started because I was all kinds of entertaining with the things I was saying. I remember him kissing me and me saying "wheeeee" as they were rolling me off. I remember nothing else. I woke up later next to a nurse who said I was in recovery, doing well, and to feel free to go back to sleep, so I did.
About 18 months later, I had a hernia repair. I had the same beginning, but this time I did remember getting to the OR. They put the mask on me just like on TV and had me start counting. I was out after the first number.
Seriously, nothing to be scared about because you'll be taking a fabulous nap. Now afterward, it took weeks to get the "anesthesia fog" out of my head. Critical thinking was out the window. I even thought the television pictures moved too fast. It sucked. Nothing was wrong. The doc just said I was a cheap date.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
on 11/6/17 9:22 am
What Gwen said, but with a small addition. My anesthesia team gave me some "happy juice" once the IV was in -- don't know what it was, but I didn't have a care in the world when the whisked me into the OR. I remember moving from the gurney to the OR table and then it was lights out. The next thing I remember was a nurse in recovery asking me if I knew where I was. So, your team may use some anti-anxiety agent once they get your IV set to make the process a bit smoother.
Best of luck.

Keep on losing!
HW 271.5 (April 2016) SW 246.9 (8/23/16) CW 158 (5/2/18)
I think the happy juice was Versaid. I have heard it makes you loopy and takes the edge off.
Lina, I had the same fears since I had never had surgery until this past wednesday. Honestly, it wasnt bad at all. I remember them starting an IV, then they put a mask on me and asked me to take a few deep breaths. I remember getting one breath in and next thing I know I was waking up in the recovery room. I will say that they pain was more than I expected, but they give you a pain pump so after a few minutes, it was just mild discomfort.