My WLS experience

on 10/24/17 10:04 am

I had RNY at Mayo Hospital in Arizona in 2001. Have lost and kept off 170 lbs. Had surgery repaired in 2015 due to separation and will have hernia repair soon.

These are my observations and learning's over the last 16 years. Your experience may vary.

I welcome and look forward to your comments and insights.

  • WLS is hard! But not impossible!
  • Protein, vegetables, fruits...Protein, vegetables, fruits...repeat...
  • Drink liquids. Constantly.
  • Listen to your body. it knows what it needs. See above.
  • Get blood work done regularly.
  • There are NO shortcuts. I've tried more than once. Not possible.
  • Liquids. Food. Exercise. Sleep...repeat daily.
  • WLS is hard!!! But not impossible!!!
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