Feelings are hurt

on 10/24/17 9:49 am

It was so much fun to complain that I went shopping and all the clothes were huge....I only did it to those people.


RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/17 1:40 pm

It really sucks when the people are supposed to love us can tear us down.

I would limit your shopping experiences without your mother and grandmother. Go with people that support you regardless of your weight.

Just remember you need to love yourself no matter what size you are. You also deserve to be treated in a way you would treat someone.

Families can be the worst critics.

Just keep thinking about how you will feel after surgery. Make a list of things you will be able to do. Not what you can't do now.

A lot of times families will find other things wrong with us just to critic us. Not just our weight.

Sending good thoughts on your surgery.

on 10/22/17 2:03 pm

Thank you, this made me feel better. You're right.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/17 6:10 pm

Keep coming here for support. Or to give it.

I know for me it does help. To make the connection with someone. Some people who do not have problems with their weight or even body image have know idea what it is like.

on 10/22/17 6:14 pm

I agree. This forum has helped me in so many ways.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

CerealKiller Kat71
on 10/22/17 6:19 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I am really sorry your feelings were hurt.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/22/17 7:08 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I'm sorry that your mom hurt your feelings. You may have to sit down with her someday & tell her how her words hurt you. Sometimes family can be really, really clueless, or cruel, especially if they've never experienced how it feels to be obese.

A mother's word can cut you deeper than any knife ever could. Be strong, don't take it to heart. Easier said than done, just know that you're doing what's best for you.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


Amy R.
on 10/22/17 11:18 pm

I'm sorry your Mom hurt your feelings.

One of the hardest things about being a Mom is seeing your child hurt. We move mountains trying to save our children from any pain. Your Mom sounds supportive and she'd likely be horrified to know she'd hurt your feelings.

Please do tell her. It gives her the chance to make a better relationship with you.

diane S.
on 10/23/17 10:29 am

When people make unkind remarks I used to say "Gee thanks for pointing that out". Shuts them down and makes them think. There will no doubt be more of this but you will win in the end with your improved health. GL diane S

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Kathy S.
on 10/23/17 11:47 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with
Image result for smacking my forehead gif

Try talking to her and explain how comments like that make you feel and ask her not to do it again. That being said chances are they will continue, as they are use to you being big and talk to you that way. Good Luck and we are here for you

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