Bariatric Psychological Evaluation: What to expect?
Thank you everyone! I was feeling anxious about my appointment but after reading all of your posts and getting a really good idea of what to expect, my mind was put at ease!
I'm happy to report that I had my eval and it was completely painless besides the questionnaire portion that was nearly 400 questions long! It included questions like, "would you enjoy being a florist?", "do you love your father?", "do you ever hear or see things that other people don't?", etc, etc. Other than that I was just asked general questions about my life and also what lifestyle changes I've made and what I know about weight loss surgery. The doc said I was easy and the face to face session was over very quickly, about 10 minutes I'd say, it took me longer to fill out the questionnaire than I spent talking with the doctor.
My husband and I just did ours this week. I loved the person I saw. It was to identify any emotional eating triggers that you may have and make sure you have a realistic goal and vision.
The person my husband saw didn't approve him because he answered yes to the question about not following laws. The reason he selected yes was because he speeds or jaywalks. LOL He was being honest. She felt that was risky behavior and needed another visit to address those. My husband never goes above 5 mph over the speed limit but to him that's breaking the law. He tried to explain this to her but she really didn't listen to him.
My psych evaluation was odd because I am a therapist myself. I keep over thinking it and evaluating her method of evaluation. Intelluctization is my method of coping with stress. Further, my required one counseling session was a lecture about transfer addiction. It was good information so I just let it be.
Basically, if you are honest and direct, I think you will do fine. The questions on the MMPI (the 300+ questionaire) seem a little black and white. Most people would answer in the grey area but that is not an option.
Good luck!!

Just wondering if anyone knows what your BMI has to be to qualify for sleeve surgery? Im 28, wheelchair bound due to a car accident 5 years ago. I have asthma, OA, RA, Chronic Pain, Neuropothy, and the list goes on and on. I've been overweight my whole life. Ive bounced around between 210 and 230 for as long as I can remember. I'm 5' 5 and my bmi is 34. I also have medicaid- caresource.